You won’t find breakthrough innovation in the same places you find incremental innovation
Welcome to Ryan’s Rant, my weekly newsletter aimed at helping companies drive customer-centric growth.
Established brands are facing competition from everywhere: Start ups, direct-to-consumer brands, brands in other categories. They need breakthrough innovation — not just incremental innovation — to stay relevant. Because if they aren’t constantly looking for the next big thing, another company will find it first.?
And what I see over and over again is that these large brands attempt to find breakthrough innovation with the same strategies, playbooks and data they use to create their incremental innovation.?
But you can’t just look in the same places you’ve always looked to find breakthrough innovation. You can’t just rely on historical data to help you identify where trends are headed in the future.?
Those strategies and data are helpful, but they alone won’t get you a new path to growth.?
To drive growth, you need the full picture
So what does get you to that breakthrough innovation? Thinking holistically about your customers — not just how they interact with your category and the narrow set of companies you’ve defined as competitors, but as well-rounded people.
It requires you to look at what people are experiencing in their day-to-day lives and what trends are emerging in the market overall. Because trends in other categories may make their way to your category, and those trends may help you identify a new space your brand should explore.??
What I'm seeing is that brands are so focused on historical databases and historical context when they're thinking about innovation that — even if they’re doing research in an intentional way — they're not thinking holistically at the market and the consumer trends. They’re unintentionally limiting their thinking to what they’ve done before.?
Instead, you need to be constantly evolving and improving your context — along with your data asset — depending on your goals. If you’re trying to drive true breakthrough, think of challenger brands, start ups, adjacent brands and learn from them. If you are focusing on the core, audit your core category, But don't sleep on emerging trends.
When you have the right data to learn from, you can be inspired to deliver true breakthrough innovation.
Using AI to find disruptive innovation
One of the things I find interesting about AI is that it is less limited by the past than humans often are. Because we’re so entrenched in our own categories, brands and competitors — and everything those categories, brands and competitors have done in the past — we can struggle to think far enough beyond them to find a truly disruptive idea.?
But AI can come up with really creative new product ideas that many humans may not think of, because it can combine all different types of data and spot patterns to capitalize on. But that only works if you give it the right contextual data I’ve talked about here.?
We recently released our beta version of our Concept Creation Agents that we’ve seen help push our customers to find more disruptive innovation. If you missed it, you can learn more about it here:??