Are you wonderig if there's a better way?

Are you wonderig if there's a better way?


 Are you wondering if there’s a better way to make to money and find satisfaction on your career or business?

 Are you tired from work that you find draining – even though maybe there are parts of it you like… but you also feel like you’re settling in many ways?

 I remember I used to feel like that when I worked in film production. I loved showing up to different locations everyday, being able to work outside, meet so many interesting people and see some visually stunning creations in front of the camera….

 … But there was a part of me that just knew this career wasn’t allowing me to fully express all I had to offer and it left me both exhausted and unfulfilled. 

 Plus I burned through the cash I was earning as quickly as I made it… I felt like I was making so many sacrifices for an intense schedule, so I’d blow all my money on big adventures to feed my soul after ignoring it for so many days on end. 

 Honestly I wish I could say it was courage that inspired me to switch focus, but actually it was my body… 

 …I got so burnt out I knew if I stayed trying to push myself through another season of shooting I would run into some serious health issues… it was already pretty much impossible for me to walk onto another set, I was so burnt out. 

 I knew I had no choice but to listen to my body and my intuition and take a risk by stepping into something new that gave me more freedom and flexibility to live my life on my terms. 

 In a way I’m super grateful that the extreme level of my poor health forced me to go all in – there was no going back to film work and I knew it… and I’ve always had a severe allergy to working in offices so I knew that wasn’t an option lol! 

 I had no choice but to make it work. So that’s exactly what I did!

 It’s amazing how you really can achieve anything when you go ALL IN. 

When you commit FULLY.

Now I apply this lesson to all areas of my life that I want to create a different result in.

I condensed my understanding of the pieces of a mindset that makes an outcome WORK and I teach it to my clients. 

 I’ve also condensed the shortcuts I wished I had known to focus on earlier - and make sure my clients have the most important processes in place that will carry them through the challenges of re-aligning to a life that they deeply desire. One of which is having ongoing support and mentorship.

 If you’re feeling called to maneuver to a more aligned and creatively-fulfilling way to earn your income – message me and let’s chat about it. 

Big Love,



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