Would you define yourself as a woman entrepreneur?
It's Women's Entrepreneurship Day, and over in our Inner Circle coaching program, we've just posted up our 9th release of our Wild Women Stories. That's the space ever week we tell our story within our community space, to enable personal and professional growth.
Today, I was inviting our women to tell their story about their startup and entrepreneurial journey, and their view on women's entrepreneurship.
I was also writing, that in the 15+ years of supporting women and men to startup, change or grow their business, I have seen and heard many stereotypical things about the phrase 'women entrepreneur' and 'women's entrepreneurship', as I am sure you have too!
Even searching photos for 'women entrepreneurs', or 'entrepreneurs', the results showed such stereotypical results. I was looking for a less stereotypical view, to highlight that we can never know who is a woman entrepreneur just by sight, or her setting, because the entrepreneurial story is so personal and unique.
However, this typical 'business' scene and photo stood out, so I went with it to share a point. It looks staged, but even in the stage, it tells a certain story. I wonder what YOU imagined the story to be? Did you notice any stereotypical views in your thinking? We think through our subjective lens unless we choose to take a wider objective perspective. If you asked 20 people to say what they think the story is around this image in the photo at the table, everyone of them would share something different.
As a creative and conscious woman, you may never have considered that you wanted to be an entrepreneur, or be entrepreneurial, and still don't identify as one, but take a moment to think about your startup journey to now. You may not identify with the term, but when you compare the similarity between motivation (and mindset) behind starting up, there is a lot of synergy between the two.
The commonality often includes:
Need for autonomy, independence, freedom. Desire to spend your life time in the way that is right and resonant for you.
Freedom to work and create in the way you want, when/where/with who you want, and earn what your true value is.
Find it difficult to be lead, managed by others, especially when you often find you end up managing your manager.
Strong desire to resist conforming to a model that doesn't fit, or someone else's values or goals. Preference to create your own and reach your own results.
Desire to create your own ideas and innovations. Need to see those manifested rather than someone else's. Want your own legacy to unfold and be left behind.
Urge to DO something to help, make a change, give back, contribute, impact. Can't sit back any longer, and must DO it as no-one else is, or not fast enough.
Spot an opportunity, gap, trend, have a vision of future, that you recognise is not being met or tended to, and feel a need to fill, serve, support, create or lead it.
The opportunities you want do not exist in the timescale you want the work, so you create it yourself first, thinking it will just be a side project, that sticks.
Your purpose and talent lends itself to a self-employed, independent career path, and in some cases, your industry influences that. Or, the role you want to play doesn't really exist in other companies so you must create your own job description and role.
These are just a few of so many other commonalities and similar values and motivations that drive a creative and an entrepreneurial thinker, to startup.
How many of those did you identify with or recognise?
If you haven't yet started your own business, but you feel a calling to, I coach creative, entrepreneurial women how to start, change or grow their business, using a holistic, creative and conscious business model design approach.
I coach women 1:1 and in our Inner Circle group coaching incubator, that supports you to holistically develop your self, ideas and business/brand in one safe space.
I specialise in supporting women who work in the creative, cultural, wellness and travel/tourism sectors, who want to create and release brands, ideas and stories that empower women and impact humanity. Those sectors have been impacted drastically in 2020–yet, our need and desire for creativity, community, wellness and travel is greater than ever before!
Book a free visionary strategy session if you feel the need to get started, now and want to know how we could support you to do it!
Love, Marie
#womenentrepreneur #womensentrepreneurship #womensentrepreneurshipday #gew2020 #entrepreneurship #femaleentrepreneur