Are you a winner or loser?

Are you a winner or loser?

Are you a winner or loser?

It is not who is right, but what is right that is of importance. --Thomas Huxley

 We all want to be winners. From the very beginning of our lives we are taught to vie for our parent’s love and attention, then we compete for our place in the pecking order or on the “A” team. Yet most of us don’t know how the “game of life” is played. Some of us find ourselves always the loser, others find ourselves always with the winners.

 The secret is that those who are the biggest winners of all are those who live their lives based on the idea that everyone can win together when there is collaboration for the good of all. Win-Lose as an operating principle is deadly someone who always loses. But this is our preferred way of interacting and relating. It certainly is much more familiar to most of us.

 So many of us learn post mortem examining our relationships in retrospect. If only we applied the basic teachings of “Game Theory” we’d save ourselves a lot of heartache, tangible loss and life-long regrets. If we had, we’d be far better choice-makers today.

 It’s imperative that we learn that there are only two kinds of games in every interaction, every situation. One is “Win-Win” and the other is “Win-Lose”. In the former, everyone wins. No one loses. In a Win-Lose game, which we all have been taught is the preferred survival mode; only one of us can win. In “Game Theory” a Win-Lose can only produce “Zero Sum”-- no one wins in the long run. If each of us examines our everyday interactions, conversations and actions, we’d be on top of our game because we’d only play in games we were sure to win.

 Where folks get confused is when they play by one set of rules in a game where everybody else is playing the opposite. We each have to continuously practice choosing to play Win-Win. But where everyone gets boxed up, is when you are already in play, but the game is based on Win-Lose rules of engagement. That’s being a sitting target. :(

 One of the basic assessments I use to stay on track is to ask myself and my clients, “Are you playing a Win-Win or a Win-Lose game?” Clarity and responsible action follow every time. Positive results and transformation always the end game.

 Integrating Win-Win into all our deal-making and relationships will not only transform all of us, it will allow us to reach our greatness and to unleash it in others.

 Understanding that when we find ourselves in a game of Win-Lose, we must choose to play by those rules, or find another game more suitable is crucial to long term success and happiness.

 So living and leading by this principle of Win-Win requires that we are never asleep at the wheel, for the road to a greater future is treacherous. This is true even more so when playing in games at the global level, (like the Kyoto Accord, Kyoto Accord is an international treaty among industrial nations that sets mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions.) or in your everyday work with your high-value clients or in collaborations with your colleagues and employees. Most importantly, with your loved ones.

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you over to my Facebook account on 5/11/17 at 1PM EST where I will be sharing an excerpt from my latest book The Greatness Challenge and announcing a special giveaway. Hope to see you there. The link to my account can be found here.


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