Are You Willing to Fail Miserably?

Are You Willing to Fail Miserably?

Triple Espresso:

I would like to hear your opinion and stories about failures and mistakes in the comment section below.

It’s a fundamental fact that your best teacher is most often your last “failure” or “mistake.”

Success is a lousy teacher because it seduces the best of us into complacency and comfort.

So many people I meet, and coach, are “afraid to fail.”?

They define their identities and sense of worth upon external measures or recognition.

Studies show that the younger generations are an entire generation by and large that was sheltered from failure.

We “didn’t want to harm their little psyches”.

While this may have been well-meaning, it’s been devastating to their growth and development.

But what’s even more important than what society or your parents did, is what are you currently doing to yourself?

Think about this: if you’re sitting in inaction because you’re afraid you might “fail”… you’ve already failed.

When you take action, you at the worst-case scenario have a 50% chance of “succeeding.”

And if you learn then it’s actually 100% chance, isn’t it??

What would happen if you decided right now that there is no failure in life… only feedback?

How much more would you accomplish?

More importantly, how much more would you experience and really live?

If you’re ready to become better, wiser, and stronger. If you’re ready to truly master the game of life and LIVE, Bersabeh and I invite you to join us at Practical Mysticism this February 18-20 via ZOOM.?The Alchemical Experience of Practical Mysticism will help you unleash previously blocked spiritual potency and have your own TRUE agency to create everything you want in this life.

Details here:

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