Are you willing to do it afraid?

Are you willing to do it afraid?

I once heard a wise man say if your dream doesn’t scare you it isn’t big enough…

But the question is, will you not only dare to dream but do it afraid? Because dreams without faith in action are dead.

When I was a little girl, my home was simple and sweet. But, simple just wasn’t good enough for my mother. She dreamt big dreams for my brother and myself in the midst of being alone for the most part of her marriage to my father. And though her circumstances dictated that she give up on a bright future for us, she never did. 

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You see, each time she looked into our beady little eyes, she saw miracles, she saw hope, she saw success and lives full of abundance and blessing. 

With no university degree (except a social psychology ancillary and history major), and barely any work experience to her name, my mother chased after the one true passion and God given talent that she had; swimming. Having state level achievements under her belt, she became the first lady swim coach in the city of Chennai, India. A tall order for a place like conservative Chennai in the early 90s. 

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Despite the fear of failure, road blocks and opposition from all fronts, she relentlessly pushed hard through 5am starts and continued through to 5pm finishes on most days. Why? So that she’d be financially sufficient to give us the best start to life - a great education. 

This was her dream.

Today, I look myself in the mirror with a smile and say, “I am my mother’s dream come true. I lack nothing today because of what she fought for.”

My own tenacity was birthed as I watched my mother shed blood, sweat and tears as she picked up her swim bag every day and drove off to strange distant places; to teach the women and children in need of her one of a kind patience, time and skill. 

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27 years on, would you believe me if I told you that she still coaches’ people (many of them the crème de la crème of society) at the youthful age of 63? 

That’s what I aspire to be… A dream chaser who falls in love with a passion and never let’s go.  

In my world, my mother is the epitome of daring to dream and doing it afraid. Needless to say, I have learnt from the best. Today, I am able to pursue my one true passion for audience engagement because my mother set a great and wondrous example for me.

Which brings me to the 3 “Nevers” that I want to share with you

1.         Never ever allow your current circumstances to dictate your future actions. 

I’ve had a roller coaster ride of a life myself with many hills and valleys but along the way, I had a choice to make. To allow my circumstances to close in on my dream or to tell that circumstance to ‘take a hike’ and instead, take a step of faith.

Today, you have that choice too! 

2.         Never follow your passion for yourself. 

Sometimes, we can be so afraid of public speaking because we feel "we’re not good enough" or that "we" fear being rejected. But, the truth is… I write this today as a professional who knows it’s not about me, it’s about you. Like my mother, everything I do is all for others. And that my friends, is a life saver. 

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3.         Never ever speak words of death over your life. 

All of us have uttered the words “I can’t”

”I can’t do this.” 

“I can't accomplish this dream.” 

“I’m never going to make it.”

“I want to just quit. It’s too hard.”

Instead, I offer you words of life that were spoken over me as a child,

“I can, I must, and I will” 

“If at first you don’t succeed try, try again” 

“There is simply no such thing as can’t”

“Slow and steady wins the race”

“You are not a quitter!”

Today, I speak these words of life over myself and from the bottom of my heart, I encourage you to do the same. (You can even create your own).

Off you go now! That dream isn't going to chase itself and don’t forget, to do it afraid. ??

Championing you,

Natasha Margaritis

?? Kerryn Zwag

??Chief People Builder | Communication Specialist?? Helping Individuals, Teams & Organisations Harness the Power of ?? Common Language to Flourish Relationally & Drive Better Outcomes ??

4 年

Thank you Natasha Margaritis. This article is packed with gems of wisdom. Deeply appreciate how and what you have shared.

Richard Lincoln

Co founder This account is maintained by on behalf of Richard Lincoln

5 年

What A wonderful testimony! The world should learn from your mom's hard work and dedication! Bedt of luck to her, kindly convey my regards to brave lady.

Natasha Margaritis

Organisation wide colleague engagement | Digital Workplace | Equity for women in Tech

6 年

Naishadh Gadani?Tima Elhajj?Alex Pirouz?Diana Nguyen?Rana Kordahi?String Nguyen?Ruby Lee?Sally A Illingworth?Joy Mcadams? If you know a business owner who'd be encouraged to read this, then don't hold out on them. Please share this post or tag them in the comments. Let's work together to see people chase their dream and do it afraid!?


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