If not you, then who?
Shabazz Rah-Khem, Ph.D.
Advocate for Transformative Change | Be a Pillar of Change (PillarsOfChange.org) | AI & Quantum Science Enthusiast | Author |
If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
These two questions haunt me. Why do I say that. When it comes to changing Human conditions, it has never happened by way of a mythology superhero. Regardless of your belief system, experiences, learning, etc. there is no point in time that change took place for Humanity without People being a part of that Change process.
We must stop sidestepping the responsibility of our world. Yes, is it easy to say, “I can’t do it alone”. Accompanying that thought should be, who amongst us Will step up, step Forward, raise a Voice, Resist, Protest, present a Counter thought or position, bringing forward new ideas, proposing different approaches or ways of doing?
Do we honestly believe some superhero, or great champion is just going to magically appear, and take on all the hard work to save us? Show me in history where great change, or making a difference took place without a person summoning the courage, making a sacrifice, deciding they were tired of being sick & tired of horrible outcomes, subpar performance, or terrible experiences?
There are numerous examples throughout history spanning across different countries, nations, cultures, societies, communities, neighborhoods where an Individual first decided and acted to challenge the status quo of conditions, making a dramatic turn for the better, took on an unimaginable problem, overcame a harsh situation to make a turn for the better. It has always started with One person, then another, and another until it built momentum into a movement of change. Through collective actions, deeds, processes, practices, different habits, different norms, different thinking was Change nurtured, cultivated, and blossomed into a radical concept to make a difference.
So, I ask you these two questions again. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? In this hyper polarized world where people constantly demand you pick a side, take a position, and essentially fear doing something Different. What is it holding you back? Is it Fear? Or something else. Fear of not being qualified, Fear of not being informed “enough”, Fear of saying the wrong thing, Saying too much, Saying too Little? Fear of violence, Fear of Hate?
Fear is the tool of oppression. Fear keeps us frozen in indecision, inability, unwillingness, uncertainty, doubt, and Inaction. Change demands actions, Change demands doing things differently, Change requires hard work and a fanatical belief in the power of People to do better. So, the next time you are struggling with picking a side in any issue…. What side should you choose, Who’s side should you be on? Say, I am on the side of Humanity, I am on the side of caring for Human Beings, and I am on the side that insist we can to better as People. Being bold in a belief that We can make a difference, We are the element that is missing, We are the essential ingredient to catalyzing a movement to make things Better and make a Difference.
That Change factor, is me, it is you, it is us. It is Being Human, Caring, Loving, Empathizing, and Daring to do better.
Take care.
“A Rock shaped, cut by currents thrashing, tumults of life's waves, artistic beauty a life engaged. Not sitting within gated comfort out of reach fearful of lessons to be learned, hurts to be felt and pains to be born as thy walketh within a path of thy Light.” By Shabazz Rah-Khem
Working for a better Life & World. Advance inclusive democracy for the entire human family through progressive education & change, justice, authentic belonging, constructively improving people’s lives, by equitable access to resources socially, politically, & economically.
Career retailer focusing on his third chapter as a non-profit activist focusing on mentorship, intergenerational issues, and leveling the economic playing field.
1 年Well said as always