You Are Who You Imagine Yourself To Be
Inspiring mothers to achieve dreams and goals, and engaging them in their communities

You Are Who You Imagine Yourself To Be


Now, I can come off as corny, but there’s a lot of truth to this and the secret of my progress.

I imagine myself already to be the person that I want to be.

And no, this doesn’t mean that I am faking it. It means I am wisely investing into my future and recognizing that I am a work in progress and that shaping and molding of myself is within my rights and ability.

That was a lengthy sentence, but to boil it down, this is what I mean: Act, dress, think, dream, and etc., like the person that you imagine you would be, at the end of your journey, and at your destination.

I take that concept and apply it to all areas of my life.

For example, I want to become more fit. What would a fit person wear? I went out and bought attractive workout gear. I felt sportier, so I ended up enjoying my workouts more, keeping consistency at a steady pace, and end result? I started eating smaller portions, because now that I felt more fit, I felt more thin, which led me to eat like a thin person would. So what happened? Naturally, I lost weight and gained strength.

It all started with me seeing myself as if I was already that person, and buying a few sets of colorful outfits.

That was a simple example.

 A more complex example would be this one:

I have started a new company, Maternal Movement. Yes, please go ahead and check us out on Facebook. It’s a fantastic page, full of love. We are also working on our website, These are works in progress but I am already proud and excited and full of passion for where we are going because I see it all in my mind’s eye.

I believe in every possibility and every opportunity. I approach everything as if I am already mega successful. Who wouldn’t want to do business with me? Who wouldn’t want to spend time with me? I feel quite valuable.

What happens if something falls through? A person renegaded on their commitment to me? A deal that went nowhere? Because I already see myself as if I had achieved my objectives, I am not hung up on it. I shrug off these occurrences and can be quite understanding and merciful because I am not dependent on them for my success.

Being liberated from holding onto no-go situations allows me to always be authentic with everyone.

I don’t need to convince them to follow me. I would love it if they went along with me on this amazing journey, but not at the expense of losing myself in the incessant harrowing of unrelenting tactics.

Because I don’t let myself wallow in the negative, I consistently have the drive to try again. I am full of energy because my mission fuels my vision. I constantly see in my mind’s eye what I believe is coming my way.

Because I imagine myself to already be that person, the one that achieved her dreams, I act like that person. I walk with confidence. I walk with joy and pride. I feel more compassionate and accommodating, generous and supportive of other people’s journeys.

The most fun part about this lesson? People treat you the way you treat yourself. People see you the way you see yourself.

In the very least, fake it ‘till you make it.

If I felt sad, I would oftentimes go to the mirror and smile at myself. That tricks the brain to believe that I am fine. And if that didn’t work, most often I would find myself laughing at my silly self, and that for sure would perk up my spirits.

I can tell that if you have read thus far, you are a very driven and motivated person.

That’s half the battle won already.

Don’t let the other half be lost by quitting or losing passion.

See yourself as a winner.

A winner doesn’t quit. A winner wins… eventually.

Take the time to invest in your dreams, adjust your thinking, visualize yourself accomplishing everything you are setting out to do.

At the end of the day, no one is truly in your way, except for you.

Win the battle in your head and you will win the battle for success, without a doubt.

Go brave warriors! Go!
Lori Vella

I help solve inheritance problems for people that have lost a family member. I’m also a peace of mind planner—I draft legal documents that protect families.

7 年

Good luck !


