You are what you think

I want to wish everyone in 2021 a strong steel health, an unshakeable belief in yourself and what you can achieve, the development of your potential, which could have been dormant for a long time. In other words, to activate the necessary useful genes and disconnect the genes that are harmful, leading to disease and bad health. Be the placebo yourself:). You are what you think, as we can produce all the necessary chemicals you can find in the pharmacy.

Regarding the latter, let me explain (inspired by scientists Gregg Braiden, Joe Dispenza, and Bruce Lipton) it further.

According to recent research, the human brain generates about 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day. These thoughts flow from one neuron to another, forming a neural network. For thought to be transmitted from one neuron to another, a protein, called a neurotransmitter, must pass through a synaptic gap (a gap between the branches of the neurons) and transfer an electrical pulse to other neuron branches. Each time the same thought occurs, it follows the path described above, reinforcing the connection between neurons (synaptic connection). That is called memory. Intriguingly, one neuron can create 1,000 up to 100,000 neuron connections and store up to 60 MB of RAM. If you keep thinking the same thoughts, then the same thoughts travel along the same neural paths, and no connections are being made. Therefore, it is important to learn constantly something new, travel, and be open to the outer world.

However, that is not all. It turns out that our thoughts, which are derivatives of how we feel about this world, are a consequence of our environment (the people we communicate with, the experience we encounter, and so on) determine which genes will be activated and which will not. If you do the same work all your life without any variation, without going anywhere and sitting on your 'butt' idle, then you will have activated only one-thousandth of all genes. Add in poor diet, the atmosphere, the toxic environment, and you activate genes that have a very negative impact on your health, hence the disease. 

Here I will explain how the gene-switching principle works.

Human beings are the protein generation machines, which is everything (muscle cells generate actin and myosin, skin cells - collagen and elastin, immune cells - antibodies, eye cells - keratin, bone marrow - hemoglobin, etc.) we are built upon. So when an electrical impulse reaches a neuron, a new protein is formed by activating or deactivating genes in the genotype. You can imagine how the Christmas garland works. In a nutshell, this happens as follows. Every time you have thoughts, another protein - neuropeptide - other than neurotransmitters, is released in your body. Its job is to activate/deactivate genes. It is akin to a chemical messenger. The neuropeptide reaches the cell receptors (one can imagine the docking station), passes through the cell membrane, then moves to the nucleus and meets with the DNA chromosome. And then, it reads the DNA once the envelope around the DNA is open. When DNA becomes opened to reading, another protein (regulatory) reads a specific gene. This protein then produces RNA (ribonucleic acid) from DNA. Then RNA comes out of the nucleus to pass information to a new protein that regulates our mental state.

In summary, our thoughts define who we are, which, in turn, activate some genes and shut off others. 

I wish you to have only positive thoughts that activate as many good genes as possible that reveal your true nature and potential. And may the power come to you. Happy 2021.


