You are what you #eat
Michelle Jon Kuehn
PR & International Relations Manager at Asian Boxing- UAE Boxing Federation/ Sports Journalist at Arab News
I want to talk about #food, probably my favourite subject. How you fuel your body is of the utmost importance and although nutrition and body composition is very complicated - I have been thinking of some basic ideas that are oldies but goodies and would like to think they may help those who are struggling to form new habits or break old ones, lose weight and eat better...because self-control takes effort. So we need all the help we can get!
1. Smaller plate. Yes, use a smaller plate. I fill my plate to the max when I serve myself dinner and now with a smaller plate - I still do but it is still less and more in line with what I need. Really an easy mind trick.
2. Start eating the veggies on your plate first to subdue your appetite early on while eating the healthiest bit on your plate...leaving less ravenous appetite for the fatty or higher calorie foods on your plate.
3. Eat more often and less at a time. If you allow yourself to get absolutely starving... bets are you are going to eat the whole fridge, devour a restaurant menu or order all of Deliveroo special meals at once... you get my point. Discipline is harder if you don't set yourself up for success. Which is why they always say grocery shopping while hungry is one of the worse things you could do.
4. Eliminate temptation. Remove junk food from the house, trust me at 10pm Doritos are screaming at you from the cupboard. But not if they are not there and healthy options are the only ones present. Again setting yourself up for success.
Remember to eat higher quality food for higher quality energy. Don't eat white bread and hot dogs wondering while you are not fulfilling your true potential. Vegetables are full of nutrients you need so please don't ignore them, remember the hulk is green and gorillas eat plants - so grab a can of spinach and let's Popeye-it through the week.
Stay strong