You what?
It's Earth Day 2019. The Earth is in a world of hurt. But even so, you figure you got the street creds to be a this or that, huh? Mr. or Ms. Professional, you say? Hoity toity Ivy leaguer, perhaps? You got the creds, homie?
You what?
Refrigeration devices account for the carbon footprint equivalents of 630 million passenger cars zippin' up and down your cul de sac, Mack.
In 2007, I ceased ownership of and operation of ALL refrigeration devices. Every last one of them. Hasta la vista, big freeze. I'm chill- and you're over the hill, dinosaur.
Conversion to alternative energy from fossil fuels could erase the carbon footprint created by 593 passenger cars.
Since 2005, all of my homes have functioned entirely off of alternative energy sources- or, better yet, none whatsoever.
Switching from meat-based to plant-based diets could balance the detrimental carbon impacts of 464 million passenger cars. I like meat and I am not giving it up. However, currently more than half of my meat is derived from fish I harvest in the wild. So, ask the Pope about fish v. meat, K?
Restoration of tropical forests could mitigate the adverse carbon footprints of 430 passenger vehicles.
For a six year period, I served as director of an organization that is directly responsible for preserving and protecting 180 acres of tropical cloud forest for a period now exceeding 15 years.
Do I have street creds?
Neither do you, so stick a cork in it, brother. You are pitiful, but so am I. Get in line if you wanna complain, sis! Join my mojo train if you wanna chip to the planet, Marge.
Together, we can do a hell of a lot better.
Happy Earth Day- well, no, it is not Happy Earth Day.
It's unhappy- Earth Day sucks, totally.
so change it, now.
(Passenger car equivalents are for purposes of demonstration only. These estimates were obtained from: