You Are What You Consume….

You Are What You Consume….

You Are What You Consume….


You guys have heard the saying before; “you are what you eat” truer words have probably never been spoken.


Think about it “you are what you eat” this is a 100% literal statement what you eat the food that you put into your mouth becomes you.


You eat lets say a cookie, that cookie will eventually somewhere down the digestive chain become part of your body it will morph into your physical being.


Understanding that what you eat sticks with you inside and out from your fat cells, to your skin, hair, nails, and everything down the list…..


I bring up this point not to change your eating, although if this sparks a change in your diet I will take the credit.


I am talking about consumption what we consume on all levels becomes us, think about it for a few seconds what do you consume daily?


The food you consume –


The books you consume –


The television shows you consume –


The conversations you consume –


The products clothes, cars, and gadgets you consume –


You become a direct product of the things you consume on a daily basis, they shape not only your physical being, but also they shape you on various levels mentally, emotionally and often times spiritually.


Many people find their personal identity in their consumption, they even find their perceived value or importance based on what kind of clothes they can buy, cars they can buy, home they can purchase.


A large chunk of America even places judgment, importance and measures success by the amount of consumption one makes – the size of the house, the luxury brand car, the designer clothes – equating that to “being successful”


Right or wrong that is what many people do each and everyday.


In today’s world many people find their identity in their job title, car they drive, zip code they live in, clothes they wear, the amount of money they make and things they can buy…..


In strong contrast to how your grandparents probably grew up who found their identity through vastly different channels…



I am driving at the major point here we are what we choose to consume…..


If you are constantly consuming junk food you will become overweight, unhealthy, and have a body you are not happy with.


If you are constantly watching the news and reading all the horror stories and negative things going in the world you will most likely become negative, depressed and paranoid about your future.


If you are always consuming negative conversations with your circle of friends odds are you will be glass half empty person before too long.


On the flipside……..


If you are always consuming real nutrition whole foods daily you will most likely be a healthy, happy, fit person.


If you fill your mind by consuming positive, enriching, educational books and shows your outlook on your life and future will be bright.


If you consume and engage in positive communication with a good circle of motivated people odds are you will reap the positive benefits of these conversations.


At the end of the day we are product of what we choose to consume from the shoes on our feet to the product we put in our hair. From the food we eat to the house we live in.


We become a product of the overall environment we place ourselves in, so if you are looking at your life and you are not where you want to be for whatever reason take a closer look.


What type of books are you reading?


What types of T.V. are you watching?


What type of friends do you have?


What are most of your conversations about?


What types of foods are you eating?


You have control over every single day of your life when it comes to what you eat, what you watch, what you read, who you talk to, what you choose to buy, what you choose to place value on.


We become what we consume…..


You and only you have the power to change that…..


If you need to make a change, make it today…


Consume the life you want!


Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.

Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer 

Make Success Mandatory Author 

Awesome reminder! Thank you for posting! #wellness



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