If you weren't you, would you fire yourself?
Image by @rujhan_basir on pixabay.com

If you weren't you, would you fire yourself?

When it comes to our people, we try to make objective decisions, face difficult choices, and evaluate fairly. What about when it comes to ourselves, how do we score then??

We’re each susceptible to self-serving bias , by which we tend to perceive ourselves in an overly favourable manner. So when things go wrong for ourselves, we tend to attribute it rather to external circumstances rather than our own failures. But when something goes wrong for others, we tend to attribute it to their personal flaws.?

It’s time to step back and evaluate yourself clearly over the last year. In objective terms, based on the results, how would you evaluate your performance??

(This isn’t about self-flagellation, but about truly finding the moments of growth.)?

It’s time to? hold a mirror up and view yourself plainly, and be honest with yourself about where you need to grow.?

  • How good have you been at building a high performing team, and holding it (yourself included) accountable to results??
  • In this volatile environment, how clear have you been with your vision, strategy and priorities??
  • How well have you communicated and embedded them throughout the organisation??
  • How well have you put in place the operational rhythm and rigour that keeps the system running smoothly??
  • How closely does the culture of your company reflect the behaviours you need to navigate this stage of your journey??

Know your strengths, know where you need to grow. And surround yourself with the expertise and resources you need to bridge the gap.?

#ceo #founderculture #growthstage #startupculture #sparkyourleadership #knowyourflaws #accountability


