You Were on The Front-Line Once
Justin Mecham
4 Exits + 20 yrs of Experience = Full Potential Zone Newsletter & The AI Powered Leader Online Course | Follow Me For Daily Lessons
Dear Every Manager:
Remember when you first started out in your career? You could not wait to be a "Manager" someday because you would treat everyone right. You would make a positive difference for sure, IF you were only given the chance. You would not give into the constant hypocrisy. You would NEVER think of yourself as being above those below you. Yes, you would do it all so very differently that your current manager - you would NEVER forget what it was like to be on the Front-Lines.
So, now you are a manager. You have been a manager for years. Are you treating everyone right? Are you making a positive difference for sure now that you have been given the chance? Are you avoiding the constant hypocrisy of "Do what I say, but not as I do?" Are you like MOST managers and have completely forgotten what it is like to be on the Front-Lines where all the REAL work actually gets done?
When was the last time you walked around the floor at your contact center and talked to EVERY agent? When was the last time you personally mentored the Front-Line agents on the floor? The Supervisors? The Managers? The Directors?
Be that manager you swore you would be when you were not a manager - that is the manager all contact centers need. No one needs another manager that has been a manager so long that they are so completely out of touch of what is really going on and cannot even remember what it was like to be a Front-Line agent. If any of you have forgotten, get back on the floor until you remember how important our Front-Line agents are.
We must NEVER forget that we were once on the Front-Line too.
Early on in my career, I had a center head that used to come around and thank people for coming to work today.... I still remember him - it was wonderful because he truly meant it.