You Were Designed For Greatness
Raghavendra Marakattu
Innovative Global Software Development Leader | Cloud Technology Expert | Microsoft Certified Data Analyst | Azure and Snowflake Specialist | Data Engineer |
Great people were not born great.They became great by making a decision to pursue their dream in life and by refusing to give up.
The Struggle we must all face on the road to our dreams is makes us great.
Ordinary people can become extra-ordinary if they consistently and persistently follow the principles of success.
Step one to success is realising that even though we might be programmed for Mediocrity,We were designed and created for extraordinary achievement.
Reprogramming our minds for extraordinary achievement is simple but not easy. The road to huge successes in all areas of your life can be broken down to five steps:
1. What you say to yourself -- What you tell yourself influences what your beliefs and thoughts are.
2. Your Beliefs and Thoughts -- Your thoughts determine what you do.
3.What you do -- What you do repeatedly becomes your habits.
4. Your Habits -- Your Habits determine your results.
5. Your Results -- If you are not with your results , Change what you say to yourself and surround yourself with people who support and encourage the quest for your dream.If you do that ,before long you'll be getting different results.