Are you watching others instead of paving your own success?
Síle Walsh
Author of Award Winning & Bestselling Book "Inclusive Leadership Navigating Organisational Complexity" | Leadership Specialist | Speaker | Facilitator | Pracademic | Researcher | PhD Candidate
"A rising tide lifts all boats"
If you find yourself comparing, competing, jealous, resentful, begrudging, critical or simply just a blah about other people's achievements.
The issue doesn't lay with them, it lays with the stories you have assigned to their situations and what you think that means about you. It lays with having the wrong focus.
Being better than others is a clever way to get stuck, doing your best and being at your best is the surest way to succeed.
If your focus is on anyone else, it is definitely off you .. meaning you wasting your energy and opportunities to make progress in a way that is meaningful and productive because you're looking around for what other people's progress means about you.
Is to refocus, pick 3 things you want to do, feel or be associated with by the end of 2022.
If you can't figure it out, then think about the people you resent, judge, compare yourself too and ask yourself "what is it they have I really want?" and then ask yourself "what do I need to do to get it?" but make sure you do the next step!
AND most importantly are these wants aligned with my strengths and values and if not, then circle back and ask "What do I want to achieve, be associated with or feel in 2022 that would support me being more me?"
Positive psychology shows we thrive more when we lean into our own values and strengths instead of trying to be like someone else. If you find yourself trying to be like someone else, explore why? figure out what it is you want to feel that you think they do.
I NEED YOUR ADVICE,?pretty please!
You may have seen?on social media?I was asking about people's engagement with Forbes as I have an opportunity to write for them but I am reluctant to take on extra work. I would really like to know, where do you go to in order to learn about leadership? Please do let me know, podcasts, websites, books, shows ...
Warm regards,
Sile Walsh & the ELIS A. Team
You can book a free leadership consultation with Sile Walsh?here, Sile is booked out in May but can take 1-2 new clients in June 2022.