You Want the Truth About Discovery Calls?
Brought to you by Jody Geiger, Jenna Bugiardini and Klue
Voices of Revenue is a monthly newsletter spotlighting revenue operators making waves and sharing best practices.
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Volume 14
If your discovery calls feel more like Colonel Jessep's courtroom interrogation in A Few Good Men than a productive conversation, we need to talk. While that famous "You can't handle the truth!" scene makes for great cinema, it's exactly how NOT to conduct your B2B SaaS discovery calls..
Think about it - nobody wants to feel like they're on trial, defending their business decisions under harsh fluorescent lights while you bark questions like a JAG lawyer on a mission.?
According to all GTM research as of late, consensus is that 70% of B2B buyers already know what they need before talking to sales.
Your job isn't to break them on the witness stand - it's to build trust and uncover opportunities.
We're breaking down how to transform your discovery calls from high-pressure interrogations into collaborative conversations that actually drive results. We'll show you how to ditch the Colonel Jessep approach ("I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself!") and instead master the art of discovery that makes prospects feel understood, not under attack.
Grab your coffee - let's make those discovery calls less "Code Red" and more green light!
Running an effective first Discovery call
Discovery Masterclass 2.0 Created by Chris Orlob
Link to Original Voice: Discovery Masterclass 2.0 by
Quote: “Discovery is not just about asking questions, it’s about asking the right questions... the kind that really help you to understand the root causes that they’re trying to address."?
Experimenting at Klue:?
Running an Impactful Discovery Call Created by Will Aitken
Link to Original Voice: Here’s My Discovery Call Flow
Quote: “So this problem has been an issue for {time} you’ve tried to fix it with {DIY}, but that was ineffective, the example you shared had {impact} & is happening {frequency} so we can napkin math that this issue is costing the business {impact} as well as {other impacts}… is that a fair call?”?
Experimenting at Klue:
7 Data-Backed Discovery Tips Voice: Gong Labs
Link to original voice: Discovery Call Cheat Sheet
Key Quote: “C-Suite executives are pressed for time. So they have a lot less patience. Use only 4-8 high-quality, open-ended questions to uncover their business needs. After that, win rates decline drastically.”
Experimenting at Klue:?
Top 5 Discovery Question Types Created by Nate Stoltenow
Link to Original Voice: Types of Disco Questions
Quote: ?“Then I realized: closing large, complex deals wasn't about my pitch or demo. It was about digging deep to uncover problems.”
Experimenting at Klue:
But First, Build Rapport!
It Starts with Trust Created by Roffey Park Institute
Link to Original Voice: Eight Behaviors That Build Trust
Quote: “Interpersonal trust is essential.”
Experimenting at Klue:
Exploring Solutions Created by Eddie Soloway
Link to Original Voice: Let it Be Their Discovery
Quote: “ I smiled when, moments later, the forest reverberated with their shouts of “Cave! We found a cave!”
The main theme of Eddie's story is the power and value of self-discovery. Eddie illustrates this theme through his experience of withholding information about a cave from his students during a river trip. The story emphasizes several key points:
This theme resonates strongly with the idea of explorative learning that happens on adventures, as it can in sales calls. It suggests that the process of discovery itself is often as valuable, if not more so, than the thing being discovered.
Experimenting at Klue:?
There are a few phrases we use to help guide discovery. Here are a few:
As we continue to spot trends, we'll keep you updated. See ya next month!
Stand-up comedian with a SaaS sales background equipping GTM teams with an actionable framework to establish a human connection with their customers.
3 个月Saving this article for sure! Love the mindset of "Keep them eager to learn more." I love it when I have an opportunity to ask a discovery question by first sharing a short customer story. It adds credibility and excites the prospect to answer my question!