You want to share online but worry about what people will think of you.
Lisa Guillot, PCC
Guiding Visionary Women to Build Personal Brands that Reflect Their Expertise, Make an Impact, & Create Opportunity | Leadership Coach | Author?? Podcast Host??? Find Your Clear Vision
Have you ever thought:
“I’m only valuable if I have a beautiful social media feed.”
“My clients won’t think I’m worthy of my fee if I don’t have a big following.”
“What will my boss think if I post this?”
I get it, I've been there too.
Here's one reason why you may be holding back from sharing your voice online, I call it your?Paradox Pattern—those repetitive neural pathways and stories etched into your mind that dictate thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Paradox Patterns are a looping record of the past on repeat, fueled by a narrative that, spoiler alert, isn’t even true.
Friend, here's the truth about finding your voice:
You are powerful, intelligent, and endlessly creative. It’s time to acknowledge and celebrate your brilliance, shift from downplaying your worth to recognizing the extraordinary force within. You are a magnificent being, and the world deserves to witness your brilliance.
When do you just get to “be enough” to share your voice?
The self-help narrative of “being enough” is bullshit. What if we declare that we are simply done?
And instead, embrace the funky fresh fire within, a source of energy that defies societal norms, rooted in the knowing that you are deep, bold, daring, flamboyant, and strong.
If you are ready to shed the baggage of your Paradox Pattern?I've got 6 mindset shifts for you to stop judging yourself online and share from your heart .
Hi, I'm Lisa Guillot. I live my life with a Clear Vision to help others find theirs. From tarot cards to strategy decks I blend certified leadership coaching, design thinking and inspired action to create massive mindset breakthroughs and impact with my clients.
My clients are ambitious entrepreneurs in coaching and consulting and executives who want to build something that leaves a legacy.
If you are ready to commit to becoming more of who you are with confidence and a strategy to get there, download a free copy of my best-selling book: Find Your Clear Vision, featured by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the best new books for entrepreneurs looking to break the mold.
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8 个月?I totally get where you're coming from! Theclassic pre-post jitters!