If you want the rainbow, put up with rain

If you want the rainbow, put up with rain

We know that according to psychology it’s a sign of living in a modern society with a high-quality level of lifestyle. People are trained to want more, no matter what they have. And according to physics a rainbow does not necessarily get rain, you need only prism and white light either sun light to want the rainbow and you make rainbow in our home using water, mirror also. But people have a tendency to expect perfection in their lives.

Its a sign in a modern society with a high quality level of lifestyle. People are trained to want more, no matter what they have. That's aspirational and not a terrible way to live, but there's one issue worth considering. Into each life, some rain will fall! You can buy an umbrella, or stay indoors, but eventually, you'll face a rainy day. Is this enough to make your cry? It shouldn't be because along with the rain comes rainbows.

Hoewever, never try to avoid the “bad things” that happen. They probably aren't as terrible as you think. What matters is that you're able to deal with unpleasantness. If you let a temporary event blow your entire mood, you've gone too far. The worst way to deal with a bad day is by losing your temper. Anything your emotions get the best of you; you end up paying a higher price than needed. Emotional costs should be kept a minimum, especially when dealing with temporary setbacks. Inclement weather doesn't last, and bad moods don't have to, either.

If you've been taking things too hard, let yourself off the hook. The small inconveniences of daily life aren't there to prevent your progress. Mundane but unfortunate things that happen to everyone! The only mistake is placing too much emphasis on them or looking for special meaning. Even World famous celebrities get caught in traffic. All that matters is your reaction.

Always react in a good mood, and you will love the results! Being upbeat and optimistic is the sure way to get to your destination. The rainbow is coming. You just might have to deal with some rain first. They're saying so that unless you endure bad times and problems in life you cannot fully experience nor appreciate the happy and victorious moments that come to you after overcoming your dilemmas. It’s not possible to have certain happy things take place unless something sad happens first.

For example, you cannot eat a hamburger unless an animal dies. You cannot inherit a million dollars unless a family relative of yours dies. You cannot get a great deal at an estate sale unless someone dies. You cannot put gasoline in a car unless a dinosaur millions of years ago died. Basically, you cannot get anything nice without something dying first. The “rain” represents the sad event, and the “rainbow,” represents the happy event. It is meant in the same manner as the saying….”no pain no gain”. Or in other words that there is usually some trial or tribulation that must be overcome before a reward can be expected. Cheers!

It will rain first, then the warm sunlight, the white flash will pass through the drops to create a splendid spectrum of colours. A rainbow connecting the heaven and earth.


