If You Want to Professionally Live Stream Your Event, Read This First.

If You Want to Professionally Live Stream Your Event, Read This First.

Live streaming an event is a great way to include those that can't physically attend. It can serve as a means for additional revenue through paid access and can help expand your marketing through the online presence it helps bolster.

If you're going to invest in professional live streaming, the first thing you should absolutely do is consider how you're going to advertise the broadcast. Some organizations assume that if they simply go live at all, that there's dozens or hundreds of people just waiting around at their computers or phones for a notification to pop up about it so they can drop what they're doing at the time. This simply will not be the case...

Livestreams that aren't advertised in advance with paid ads, email blasts, social media posts, and other forms of promotions by and large will not be live-viewed. Regardless of the content, if no one knows you're going live at a specific date and time, they won't tune in, regardless of the content's quality. How do we know this? Think about the Avenger's: End Game movie. Does anyone think Disney needed to run ads for this after the roaring success of both Infinity Wars and the MCU in general? Everyone was going to go see the epic conclusion, but despite this, Disney still ran a substantial advertising campaign. If a guaranteed success movie like that still needed trailers, ads, and promotion in general, what makes you think your live stream will be successful without some level of advertising in advance? You should also consider what day and time you will go live. Will your target audience even be able to drop what they're doing to watch at that time?

Shifting gears, a successful live stream should have some kind of interactive component or at the very least a call-to-action. Don't just host a live stream to entertain your audience, encourage them to do something that helps your bottom line. We can incorporate on-screen graphics into your broadcast before the show, during, and certainly afterward. You can host a Q&A session, take polls using services like Slido, and designate someone to interact with your audience live in the comment section. Whatever you decide to do, make sure something is there to engage your audience while content is being live streamed.

At Ethos Media, if you involve us early enough in the planning process, we can assist you with all of this, in addition to the production logistics required to even make the stream happen. Ideally, you get us in even before choosing the venue, as we can then determine if it's suitable for what you're wanting to accomplish.

Contact your Dallas-area resident expert on live streaming at [email protected].

Check out samples of our live streaming at https://www.ethosmedia.net/dallas-live-streaming-company/

Search "live streaming" on our site and find numerous blog posts that expand on this article for more information.


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