You Want to Be a Money Savvy Woman Post Divorce, but Finances Still Don’t Rock Your World?

You Want to Be a Money Savvy Woman Post Divorce, but Finances Still Don’t Rock Your World?

We're going to talk about something that can either inspire you or make you go running for the hills, and that's about managing your finances post-divorce.

It's scary enough managing your finances during divorce, the responsibility is huge. But after divorce, responsibility and the road ahead can seem equally as terrifying.

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Particularly if you're a woman who's divorcing a powerful man. Because you potentially have had a marriage that has made your self-confidence dwindle. You've been told that you could never be anything without him, that you can't do this, that you won't be able to do anything without them by your side

And actually to be in a position post-divorce when all the noise and the focus of that is gone and then have to think forward to looking after your money can be really scary, but it also can be really, really exciting.

Women say to me that they want to become money savvy, they say to me that they want to be financially independent.

They want to know how to make financially wise decisions, they want to be invested, they want to make sure they're taking the best opportunities that they can, but do you know what's underlying all of that, is kind of this like grumbling, underlying feeling that finances are actually quite secretly boring.

And so the kind of sexiness of thinking I want to be this money-wise, money-savvy woman on one shoulder, and then on the other shoulder is actually financial advice is a little bit dull.

So I'm going to help turn that around for you today, because what you have learned and how you have been exposed to and experienced financial advice in the past, is not where financial advice is these days.

Financial advice is focused on products, on features, on growth, on the stock market, on jargon, on flashy suits and flashy offices.

They're all things that we have these preconceptions of, but do you know what you need to know about?

It's lifestyle financial planning. Because that's the bit that really, really, really turns things on.

When you work with a lifestyle or goal based financial planner, you will find that your views and your thoughts on money are absolutely transformed.

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It doesn't become an adult and boring conversation, a must-do, a chore, or a task, it becomes a conversation that is deep and meaningful, a conversation that is about how your money needs to work to produce the life that you want to have. And that's the secret, when you are focused on how your money is going to move you closer to the goals and the lifestyle that you want for you and for your family, it becomes interesting, it becomes exciting.

It becomes worthwhile knowing what you need to know because it's gonna make you money savvy and it's going to get you closer to all those things that you want.

So, lifestyle or goal-based financial planning, that is the key, that is the secret. You need to understand what you want to achieve and working with a lifestyle financial planner means that we uncover that picture in quite some depth and then we put the tools and the plan around it and make your money work towards it.

Know this, it's not about becoming a financial expert, it's not about reading the financial times on a Sunday, it's not about knowing stocks and shares and bonds and ISAs and unit trusts.

It's about knowing you, what you need and want from your future, what you need and want for your children, what you want your money to do for you, and then having a strategy in place to achieve it. That is what is exciting.

Hope that's inspired you.


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