If you want long lasting change for your company

If you want long lasting change for your company

A never to be repeated opportunity to dramatically enhance the effectiveness of your staff

A truly rewarding investment. Why? Because these courses weren't developed by reading books, they were developed in the field and adjusted until they achieved optimum results.

All of our programs can be delivered as half day programs. Keynote speeches or in a one to one or group coaching environment.

7 secrets of successful selling course covers everything I did to rank among the world's top one percent of salespeople (Source MDRT.ORG) and contains information which just isn't available from trainers who have actually never been involved in sales Or at best have only sold in their dim and distant memory!

Create Raving Fans customer care course covers all of the strategies that we used to attract and keep many FTSE 100 companies. Many of which have requested the same courses every year as they insist that all new staff go through our courses as a requirement. We don't say this to impress you, we just want to impress upon you the massive benefits enjoyed by our clients.

Premeditated Success is our flagship course as it covers everything your staff will need to know in order to deal with the rapid pace of change that we are all constantly subjected to. It delivers critical thinking skills that will make burnout and career fatigue a thing of the past. This will directly benefit you as you no longer be concerned about investing time and money in your staff with the worry of them making mistakes due to stress or taking time out due to burnout. This course has been developed over 25 years and is essential for everyone irrespective of whether its intention is for business or life in general.

Further details are set out below along with details of our team building event which is simply the most profoundly powerful events you will have ever attended.

Why am I doing this? Its very simple. For the next six months I have the very rare opportunity to have both of my daughters at home with me. Therefore I have no desire to spend the next six months in countries where they aren't going to be. Its that simple.

Bonuses include. Every delegate will receive the following bonuses worth £464!

Bonus 1. Free audio download of "7 secrets of successful selling for all participating delegates. (Value £67 each)

Bonus 2. Unlimited post course email access for 90 days. ( Value £397 per delegate)

This is designed to make sure that every member of staff has full access to me in order to clarify any aspect of the course or courses that they have attended in order to maximise the information they have learned. This allows deeper understanding and long term assimilation. I have found this extremely useful as my goal isn't to sell you a course. It's to make a long term difference in your company and in the lives of your employees.

I will call you shortly to discuss to  answer any questions. Or you may call me on 07700700880 for instant access.

Formula 1 team team building event


Some of the most powerful courses available in the UK presented by one of the world's top speakers and trainers!

We are delighted to offer some of the most powerful courses available anywhere in the world right here in Jersey.

Our courses and talks are considered some of the best in the world because they have been borne out of experience and field tested with great success, as opposed that have never been applied by either companies or individuals in the real world!


Mark officially ranks among the world's top 1% of salespeople and his common sense and plain speaking style has been directly responsible for the dramatic success of the many people he has coached. And the companies he has worked with whether delivered as keynote talks, seminars or workshops.

Mark's interest in psychology came about after a childhood of abuse and torture. But it wasn't until he embarked on a career in sales on a commission only basis. He realised his early life experiences were having a dramatic negative effect on his business success and his relationships. He travelled the world looking for ways to remove the limiting beliefs that each and everyone of us has and as a consequence he developed one of the most powerful courses ever devised. The Premeditated success system which allows people to release more of their potential by understanding the psychological brakes that prevent us utilising and implementing our inborn potential.

Mark has also conquered cancer using the techniques he has developed in his highly acclaimed mindset programmes. Please see a brief overview of what we offer below including details of one of most powerful team building courses ever devised.

Premeditated success for life and business


This course has been credited with countless success stories both with companies and individuals alike. And has been created with over 25 years of research and field tested application. Mark has used what he teaches in this course to become one of the world's top salespeople. But his teachings were never put to a greater test than when he applied what he had learned to beat cancer, This course is literally that powerful!

Brief overview

* Are you being held back by the lies you tell yourself?

* How attitude shapes your life experience

* How beliefs are formed and why

* How to realise the untapped potential within you

* Mastering your self talk

* How to develop razor sharp focus*

* How your beliefs shape your personal and business success

* Develop a powerful self image

* The power of perception

* How to really set goals and it's not s.m.a.r.t !

And much much more


Traditional team building doesn’t work!

https://goo.gl/7yJDHL  BBC Radio interview with participants from our team building event.

One of the biggest challenges companies of any size face is getting their people to work together for the greater good of all concerned. This is because instead of everyone supporting each other as one entity working for the good of all. Companies end up with a lot of individuals whose sole concern is self betterment and quite often at the detriment of everyone else!

I firmly believe that getting everyone outside to build a giant jigsaw puzzle simply doesn’t work and doesn’t create long term change if any! So what does?

People bond as a direct result of profound experiences which connect them at a much deeper level. In the extreme, its tragedy that brings us together. Which is why survivors of plane crashes or similar events have annual reunions and keep in contact for the rest of their lives. This is because they crave and seek that deep connection that the event created within them. What we do achieves a similar result in that it bonds people at a significantly deeper level. And when we bond at a deeper level great things happen both at a personal and business level.

How do we achieve this?

We use techniques, tools and challenges that most people never consider or even conceive of doing. Things that require people to really get behind their colleagues as they push them on to achieve what they believe to be impossible. As a direct consequence profound change happens when they achieve what they thought was impossible for them.

I continually witness these kind of changes take place as I watch people bond at a significantly deeper level. This happens as they begin to open up to people who they thought they knew but really knew very little about.  Its during these times that the entire dynamic between the group changes as they realise at a subconscious level that they are in this together. At his point everything gets better because everyone works towards a common goal for the betterment of themselves, the group and the company. This is how we build unstoppable companies. Because as my wife always says, “You can only be as good as the people that work for you”

We use the following exercises as metaphors for breaking through the unseen barriers that hold us back. These are extremely powerful metaphors for breaking through and with breakthroughs comes great change.

The Fire Walk



This is our ultimate tool “The Firewalk” most people have heard of it. Most have never done it. And even fewer believe that they can!

As a team we build the fires, tend them and then ultimately prepare them so that your team can walk across them. It takes diligence and care to build a safe fire walk and this is the very first step in getting your team to act for the benefit of  the others.

Then they walk on the fire. We always do this in the evening for safety reasons and for the fact that there is something quite profound and bonding about fires. Especially when you are going to walk on one!

The Glass Walk


It is exactly as it sounds. You walk on glass! it's not a trick, it's not sugar glass (Is there even such a thing?), It's actually a mixture of spirit and wine bottles and it's very real!

The exercise requires focus and teaches the value and the importance of having the ability of focussing on one thing, and the feeling of elation when that “one thing” is achieved.

When people do this they do it with a great deal of trepidation and a lot of support from the group. While this is taking place they get to understand the importance of support and of supporting others. Its not a conscious realisation, which is why the benefits of this type of training are long lasting. THEY have the realisations and they make the changes within! Motivation that is forced upon you is always short lived and normally doesn’t survive the night. This is different and the underlying benefits and change last because its inspiration and motivation from within.

Arrow Breaking


Have you ever broken an arrow with you neck? We do it everyday! This is another very powerful exercise because again its something that we believe we cannot do at a conscious level. And every time we do something that we previously thought we couldn’t do we become more capable and open to new challenges. Challenges that would normally cause us to procrastinate become normal daily activities. Can you even begin to imagine how much more would be achieved within your company

Board Breaking


We have all seen Bruce Lee or Karate experts break through wooden boards. And marvelled while we watched them and fantasised about doing it ourselves. Now is the time when you get to do it for real. A real breakthrough experience!

This is another powerful example of how we use our minds to make a breakthrough by doing something we have never done and never considered possible for us.

This is a very different kind of company event, its an event that creates massive change within individuals and companies and will be talked about for years to come. However the greatest benefit to your company will be the long term positive change that happens as a direct consequence of investing in this course.

As we go through these exercises. I will deliver a seminar as we go through the various processes. I teach people how to utilise the untapped and never taught correct way to use the mind (After all you never received a minutes tuition on this all important subject at school)

As a consequence everyone will become aware of the unforeseen forces that hold us all back in the form of limiting beliefs. Perceptions and Attitudes. And we will systematically identify and dissolve them.Then create empowering new beliefs that will allow us to release or untapped potential.

Secrets of the world's greatest salespeople


Learn from one of the world's top salespeople what it really takes to become one!

* Why people buy

* How to develop more leads than you can ever use!

* Learn why the sale is never ever made in the close.

* Learn how this one word will double or triple the size of a sale.

* The 3 beliefs you must have to succeed in sales.

* The one thing you must have or you are doomed to failure.

* The mindset of a sales superstar

And much much more

Create raving fans with outstanding customer care

Companies complain that there is no longer any customer loyalty, it isn’t true, they just don’t know how to create it!

* Turn customers into raving fans and your greatest source of advertising.

* The biggest secret in customer care (Surprisingly)

* The greatest customer that you will ever have.

* Discover how nice customers are destroying your business.

* Realise the only two things that your customers ever buy

* Asking the golden questions (No, can I help you isn’t one of them! )

* Why the complaining customer is your greatest source of new business

* The quality service action plan

 And much much more.

The biggest problem that local businesses have is competing against the salaries and packages offered by the finance industry, professional employers and the public sector. So we find ourselves in a situation whereby a high percentage of our personnel are either transient or do not take their employment seriously. It was for this reason that we approached Mark Baker to help us to help them develop a positive approach to their life with the intended result that this change would cascade into their working life, making their work more rewarding. We really feel that Mark’s efforts have dramatically changed many individuals approach, both for the benefit of our company and their personal lives. Mark will continue working with us.

Barry Jenkins

Managing Director, Fotosound

“I wanted to congratulate you on qualifying for the top of the table- an exceptional achievement which places you within the top 1% of those in our profession”

Tony Gordon

MDRT President.

“Mark is thought provoking and highly inspirational; I have always left his talks a much wiser person than when I entered”

Zac Zachariou.

Prison Warden. Jersey Channel Islands.

“They say that public speaking is an art, if that’s the case, then Mark Baker is an artist and I can thoroughly recommend him to you."

David Barnett

MD. The Studio.

“You have a great talent with words”

Dottie Walters

Walters’s speaker services.

“Your talk made me feel like an old friend”

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones Speaker.

Author. Businessman

“Congratulations on your tremendous presentation, we have had nothing but positive comments from the delegates, even the production crew went out of their way to comment on the quality of the talk and they see dozens of presentations every year”

Brendan Power

Convention chairman. Life insurance association

“The impact your story had on all of us was amazing, there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience."

Warren Storm

Director. Storm associates. New Zealand.

“Thanks for your amazing talk to our sixth form students; you have given us all fresh ways of thinking and viewing the challenges ahead”


Assistant head. Victoria College.

“A very inspiring person”

Rich Abajian

Saturn Cars. Nevada.

“Never change a word of your story “Never Give Up”

Joe Gandolfo

World’s greatest life insurance salesman.

“An ideal speaker where a sincere and inspirational presentation is required”

Danny Hawson


“A riveting moving speaker”

Carter George


“Your story is incredible”

Dr Jack Singer.

Psychologist. Speaker. Las Vegas.

Firewalk testimonials

Marks talk about beliefs was amazing. Mark Willmett.

Went firewalking tonight and saw it as the catwalk to the beginning of the end of my lack of belief in myself. I feel amazing and it was an amazing talk. Thanks mark!

Enjoyed every minute, totally relished that moment, created a sensational memory. I'll be sure never to forget this. Thanks Mark Baker for such a unique, exhilarating experience. Highly recommend.

Well done Emma Hickey and all the firewalkers tonight, AMAZING!!! :-) HOT HOT HOT!!!

Maureen mccabe

Successfully completed the fire walk and thankfully no blisters, thank you Mark Baker for a truly inspirational event and such an exhilarating experience

Fantastic evening with some amazing people.... I did the walk 3 times....everyone had a reason for doing this...and some profound reasons too..let go of the past bring on the future....let go of those you don't need and let in those that will be good for you..the future is bright....changes are coming for everyone that did this today...

Rai García Singh

Went firewalking tonight and saw it as the catwalk to the beginning of the end of my lack of belief in myself. I feel amazing and it was an amazing talk. Thanks mark!

Stefanie marsh


I thoroughly enjoyed Mark's talk, arrow breaking and the firewalk at his event. After an incredible journey of self discovery, massive action and a huge change in beliefs he has managed to achieve some amazing feats! His passion for authentic transformation in mindset regarding altering beliefs we pick up that aren't helpful is infectious. it was clear the event had a very positive impact on all people's lives that night including me. An engaging, inspiring and really fun event.,

My first fire walk was so amazing and exhilarating I actually made two passes over the coals on the night. For me this was the perfect event for moving forwards in life and a great metaphor for tackling life's challenges. Thank you Mark Baker you have truly inspired me in ways I would never have imagined. I am who I was and so much more. I would highly recommend this event.  Maureen McCabe

I drove back last night shouting to myself I did it then had Meatloafs new CD full on in car. When I got back changed the lounge around. Today working out retirement and sending book I've written to good friend to edit and looking at things I can do either as volunteer or just to supplement income until my books get published. Best part is something I didn't mention when I broke that arrow it removed the feelings I had had from my father's relationship with t h me and my ex husbands infidelity so now I can move forward without mistrust. One more amazing fact my 5 year granddaughter told her mummy she was so proud of Meme

That means a lot to me thanks your very inspiring and have experienced hard times and can relate and understand , that's why I could talk to you as I knew you had been through it also , you have helped me in such a great way , I was so so severely depressed and anxiety ridden , I couldn't cope , even to get the energy to cone to the event was a big thing but I am so glad I did , I probably will be messaging you if needed , and I will do what I can on my side to spread the word , it was a pleasure , I now know anything is possible, and that is down to you , speak soon , ??

Hello Mark

I just want to say thank you so much for everything yesterday and for making me say yes I will do it...

really enjoyed the talk special the part off when you crossed your arms and  you said "well that never happens to me " ( so saw my sceptical side being played in front of me )

I'm not sure if it was the cold our my emotions, but I was shaking so much by being flooded  with so much information and off course your great passion of what you have learned over the years.  

I knew I could do the fire walking but the arrow I wasn't prepared for and I can say it was like breaking free ... I had time out shortly after and I felt so light , and just now I took a look at myself and my ways over the last few years and never realised how bitter I have been and this is been going on for so long... now I know that I need to dedicate myself on learning ways of not being bitter to myself I know this was something I learned and thank to you I know that I can unlearn it.

Thank you so much and please if you have any seminars our anything that you doing please don't forget to tag me...

It's an absolute pleasure to follow you on here Mark.

Even though we don't know each other personally I feel a sense of friendship towards you.

You have a great talent  in showing/sharing your feelings & uplifting people & it hits a "cord" with most/ if not all of us that follow you.

I will share this post with your permission if that's okay.

Have a great rest of the Weekend Mark.

For anybody who wants to experience the feeling of freedom and support and love then do go and see Mark Baker. We all find our own way in life and some people help and others hinder. Once you take control you know you are really living. Mark can help you if you need a nudge in the right direction. That first step is the best step to a brighter and happier future, I know, because it's true.

How to dramatically increase your sales

Outstanding customer care

The real secret to success in life and business

The ultimate team building experience.

All of our presentations can be delivered as keynote presentations, half day workshops or as part of an ongoing coaching program

To discuss the above please call (0) 1534 486550 or email [email protected] or visit www.markbakerspeaks.co.uk

With Best Wishes

Mark BakerCreator of the Premeditated success system

Keynote speaker and Trainer

Executive Coach

Jersey office + 44 1534 486550

Mobile 07700700880

Email  [email protected] 



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