If you want GUARANTEED RESULTS? Don't Follow the Crowd....

If you want GUARANTEED RESULTS? Don't Follow the Crowd....

Gavin Watterson is a exceptionally RARE breed of trainer that understands the wants, needs & requirements of each individual client.

"Doing so increases success rates by 10 x fold - Essentially giving a damn about your client's welfare or the service you are providing that enable them to achieve their goals"

HOW? ASK QUESTIONS by analysis & collecting data to find out AS MUCH INFORMATION about the person you are working with is a fantastic way to start every successful program..

This avoids the "HIT & MISS" shoddy approach that is (sadly but true) ALL too often applied...

If you want to know how far the rabbit holes goes please fill in my detailed online PARQ HERE

I will get back to you for a FREE NO OBLIGATION chat to discuss your specific needs, goals or targets?

*Spoiler Alert* I choose to only work with clients who can & will work with me for their own benefit so if you don't here back you didn't pass the vetting process - Sorry!

Arrogant? Not at all - Pragmatic & Selective Yes very much so. By vetting clients I determine & (therefore) choose the most committed clients I would like to help or work with.

I consciously select those WHO REALLY WANT TO ACHIEVE GREAT RESULTS....Why so? Again its NOT easy to get your body-fat down to 5% or put on 15lbs of muscle in 2 months so why should I waste time or more importantly YOUR MONEY working with people who are just NOT READY TO COMMIT....It take two to TANGO

I invest MY TIME, energy & passion as much as clients invest their (time & money) so I choose to work with those who WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED - After all clients expect a high standard of service & should expect the best service possible.

There is No sugar coating this! Doing is ACTION, procrastination is a big NO-NO & a total road-block!

God knows we've ALL worked stubborn clients over the years & quite frankly I don't work with energy-vampires or non-committal individuals....You can lead a horse to water & all that malarky!

Personally I am NOT (just) after the MONEY! I WANT TO GET CLIENTS GREAT RESULTS - For me its very much a personal feeling of self & job satisfaction that I can help others.

My aim is helping people by changing lives - empowering, educating, coaching, directing clients by providing "real" training solutions THAT WORK.

Every client needs to be doing something (slightly) differently or uniquely to achieve their goals - Based on the information/data I have already collected prior to starting work with them.

If you're NOT ASSESSING clients you're GUESSING as the great Paul Chek always says....

I may be a tad harsh in saying this (I am NOT known for diplomacy) The majority of trainers out there (are transient) they really DON'T KNOW THEIR CRAFT well enough to offer a particularly high standard of training....

You ALWAYS pay for what you get in any industry - right?

Having invested 10,000's of hours learning, studying & executing my craft. Pioneering revolutionary nutritional, detox, FAT LOSS or radical new training systems THAT really WORK.

Things works by always looking at everyone as an "individual" in order to help guide, support & mentor clients according to their ACTUAL GOALS - No Generic BS, pre-written exercise plans or automated programs here....

I OFFER CLIENTS THE BEST standard of training available on the market today OR YOUR MONEY BACK (T&C apply) meaning you MUST do what I am advising to the letter...

Why so strict? Ok, your paying an EXPERT FOR ADVICE & if you don't listen or don't follow the rules or "specific" advice provided how do you expect to get the results you're after - Its a no-brainer!

Each program is carefully conceived, customised & designed (nutrition, training & lifestyle) by listening to WHAT PEOPLE actually WANT TO ACHIEVE.

Every client has different priorities, goals or targets - Not everyone wants to look like a bodybuilder or not everyone wants a "six-pack" (although that would be nice - right!)

Most people just want to feel GOOD in themselves - A little fitter, stronger, healthier, less back pain, less bloating better posture without going to the extremes of being a (semi) or professional athlete - Although, we can do that too IF YOU WANT?

Gavin’s clients have included Olympic athletes, professional fighters, Golf professionals, figure athletes, Radio, TV & Film personalities, celebrities, models, university & school sports-teams, VVIP clients, high-net worth individuals & many more....

Please read a selection of client SUCCESS STORIES HERE

Previously the Health & Fitness Guru on Singapore’s Kiss92 radio station in Singapore.

Gavin has written countless articles on diet, training, lifestyle & wellness for numerous Singaporean & International publications.

Has been a brand ambassador for one of the largest distributors of fitness equipment in Asia. Has been featured in training videos, voice-overs and marketing campaigns.

Gavin has also been a featured trainer for golf conditioning on the Asian Golf Channel.

- Author of a self-help book on detoxification called “Reboot your Bod”

- Pioneered an Accelerated Fat Loss system called “Ripped in 28 days”

- Author of Hang Time (2017) A 28 Day Suspension Training & Nutrient timing system

For more information please visit www.gavinwatterson.net on different ways in which how Gavin can HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR FITNESS, NUTRITIONAL or TRANSFORMATIVE GOALS?


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