If you want to get rich, start paying yourself a salary ?? (part 3)
I continue the story about my consultation of my friend Konstantin. If you didn't read the beginning, the first and second parts in my profile :)
I asked the guys, why do you need money? Do you have goals? And they unanimously began to tell me that yes-yes, of course, they do. They started naming a new car, a country house, and even a yacht or at least a boat.
I suggested them to use the "ladder of goals" technique. Kostya volunteered for us to do the task on his example.
Kostya's ladder of goals looks like this:
Where do you need to start? From the fact that you need to depreciate your current level. You have to become dissatisfied with how you are now. You should stop being satisfied with where you live, what you drive, what you wear, where and how you rest. After that, build a ladder of goals, and ideally with dates, by what time I should buy this for myself. You may not even know how you will earn it yet, but you have to set a goal that will drive you. Here the important point is that this ladder is specifically your goals, for yourself.
And what to do with the debt? It doesn't let me rest... one of the owners said.
Good question! The answer is - it becomes the first step on your ladder. Discuss it among yourselves that you all agree that debt is dragging everyone down and everyone wants to get rid of it as soon as possible, and no one buys anything from the ladder of goals until you close the debt.
Now ideas on how to close the debt and what I would do. I would use the "obsess" technique. This is when you do all the ideas that came to your mind as soon as possible.
The first thing I would do is relieve the tension between you and the person you owe (comment for understanding, they owe a person who at one point in time gave them money on loan at interest, but the guys have no funds to repay it, and the debt is growing). I would meet with this person in a calm environment, would discuss again that you agree with everything, you have the intention to repay the debt, that you are now working out options how you can repay it sooner. That is, I would indicate to the person that you are not hiding, you are not going to squeeze his money for yourself, I would relieve the tension. After that, I would discuss again the terms of debt repayment, terms, amount of payment, interest. Perhaps you can soften the conditions for yourself or extend the terms, if they were set before, as the loyalty of this person will be higher to you, because you came to discuss everything yourself.
Then I would call all the clients for whom you have ever made something. And I would ask how the products you supplied them are working and in what condition. There may be additional orders for maintenance. Maybe you need something else, as time has passed, and new requests could have appeared, and if they are still satisfied with your products, then this is the most loyal customer for you. And the last question, maybe they know someone who would be interested in your services, or already need them. Thus, you can get additional orders. Also, I would just open your notebooks and just go through them. Do you know the principle of 6 handshakes? It is sociologically proven that any person on the planet can "reach" another person in a maximum of 6 or fewer handshakes. I am sure that if you three dig into your phones, you can find people who would find your services useful or they know such people. And you can also use tenders, and look for either orders or customers there. Well, and gather separately, maybe invite active people from the team and hold a brainstorming session on the topic of where else to get orders, in order to obsess this topic :)
- If you are a business owner and work there, create separate financial streams. Here is the money for the fact that you are the owner, here is the money for the fact that you are an employee.
- Build yourself a "ladder of goals" - this is what should drive you to get rich.
- If you have a problem that weighs on you and hinders development and morally oppresses, "obsess" it. Do everything possible and as soon as possible to solve and get rid of this problem.
If you have any questions, write to me, I will always be happy to answer!