If you want to do something different in your career, then ...!
Prologue:?At The Underground Agency is not your typical marketing, branding, and research agency. We are 100% staffed by undergraduate students at Haile College of Business who dare to enroll in one of the courses that is integrated into The Agency. We are also 100% dedicated to turning our employees (students) into Agents of Economic Empowerment–former employees who return as clients, mentors, or recruiters for our current employees. Today, I decided to interview one of our mentors whom I believe will, sooner or later, return as a client and recruiter–Adam Hartig (Associate Project Manager at Burke, Inc.). Enjoy!
David: How are you doing?
Adam: I’m doing well, life is good! At work I’m gaining more experiences using data dashboards, and working with programmers to get them set up for clients. Outside of work, I took up gardening this summer and it’s going very well. I’ve picked 14 cucumbers, and have five watermelons growing right now with Thai chilis on the way too. For school, I recently applied to NKU’s MBA program and just got accepted! My girlfriend and I are planning our next vacation too (Yosemite maybe!).
David: When will you start growing hops? Just kidding, I know you are not much of a beer drinker. Since you mentioned your job, how is your job at Burke?
Adam:?My job is going well also! I’ve been in this position (associate project manager) for 1 year now, and I’m finally getting used to the day-in, day-out tasks I do. I’m involved on the project management side, as well as the reporting side. My project management side entail link checking, data tables checking, mailbox management, questionnaire development, cost management, and client management. Whereas the reporting side mostly entail report checking, and report population. Everything here at Burke is double to triple checked to the original data source, so I always stay busy.?I like Burke because there’s a sense of community here. I’ve never seen anyone visibly mad. Everyone here has respect for one another. I also have some great friends here, and that helps keep the job real to me. Shout out to Scott Broughton!
David: I am so happy that you not only work in a company where you feel respected and have a sense of community but also work alongside our former rookies and apprentices like Scott. Why did you decide to pursue the job at Burke and what it took to get it?
Adam:?I started at Burke in the winter of 2019. Though before that, I had to work hard just to be in the discussion of getting hired. In 2018, I got my first marketing internship through NKU’s Career Fair. I went up to one of the tables labeled “VEGA Americas”, and just talked about what VEGA was, what they did, and what my interests are. I worked at that internship for about 8 months before I started my own company “Dark Horse Athletes”. DHA only lasted about 1.5 years, but it was through that that I really got a hold of huge data sets. That helped me immensely with navigating Excel, which then was a huge selling point for my interview at Burke. It also gave me client experience with talking to real race organizers. Dr. Levin had put in a good word for me at Burke, because of my high involvement in his classroom in the Fall of 2018. I asked questions, was interested, did well in his class, and tried to stand out. Then, here I am now. Very lucky, but I had to put in the work and stay motivated. I started college by working at Skyline Chili, then finished college with a full time job at Burke. If I can do it, you can too!
David: You mentioned several key experiences that helped you get the job or, simply, where you are today. What experiences do you think had the greatest impact on your personal and career development and why?
Adam:??First, I’d say my first big impact is running. Running keeps me focused and improves my mental health. I finished my second marathon last October. Now I HATE running marathons. I cannot stand (literally) after mile 18 or 19 usually. That’s when the pain starts and you start to think, “It’s so easy to just quit on this mile marker. Just one phone call away from being picked up in a car.”Anxiety builds up, now I’m nervous I won’t finish. Though both times I’ve finished. I get through the pain and I play something motivational in my head (the first marathon, My mom was a huge motivator) and also playing The Chain by Fleetwood Mac in my head. For my second, it was running it with my brother and playing the Rocky Balboa movie (2008) in my head. My point is, if you’re down for the count or gritting through anything in life, think of something that will push you through the finish. Just keep fighting!
Second, I’d say my biggest single event impact was getting my internship at VEGA Americas. It gave me that step in my career that I needed, and taught me how to make decisions and work hard in the corporate world. Though it also taught me that the position wasn’t what was right for me. It was more of a marketing department role, whereas I wanted to be in marketing/brand research. Data was more interesting to me.
Last but not the least, The Underground Agency helped me trust others on a team project. Before, I was the type to take a project and do it all by myself. Though with The Agency that is almost impossible. You need to trust on your teammates to fulfill their part of the project. And we did, I loved my team!
David: I like to ask about these experiences because they help my current employees gain insights into what experiences they may consider pursuing and why. It's through those experiences that we discover our Element - the things we are good at or want to be good at and actually enjoy (and be paid for). What do you think is your Element?
Adam:?I think I’m good at looking at data then making decisions. I love information. Weird right? Though when I say information I mean I want to get to know everything about something when I’m introduced to it. So I’m going to Pompillio’s restaurant tonight, I need to know what’s on the menu and what I’m going to order and how much that is going to be. Or with people, I love listening to other’s talk about their own lives or interests. Which brings me to my second element, social magnet. I love listening to my girlfriend talk to me about her day. It brings me joy to see others happy, and it pains me so much to see people hurt or sad. I think I’m in the right position in account management then, because I love solving my client’s questions.
David: Adam, the social magnet with passion for data-driven decisions...and love for planning. So, what do you see in your future??
Adam:?In two years, I see myself graduating from NKU’s MBA program. Then in five years, I see myself being a Senior Project Manager at Burke with more involvement on the client side of things. And in 20 years, I want to be either a full-time or part-time college professor. I think after I turn 45 years old I really want to look at teaching.?
David: That sounds like a great plan because I will need somebody to take over The Underground Agency at Haile College of Business. The one thing that is, however, missing in your plan is the next Happy Hour at Darkness Brewing. Speaking of that, how was it for you at Darkness last night?
Adam: I had a lot of fun last night, and I like how it’s very laid back and easy-going conversational. We don’t necessarily talk about work the whole time. We talk about vacations, food, what’s going on in our lives, etc. I like that! It’s also a time to meet new people (like for me Alex, Ramona, Adam, Ashley). I wouldn’t have talked to them or met them any other way I think, if it weren’t for the happy hour event.
David: Agree! I really love listening to our conversations at Darkness. There was so much I wish my current students heard. Speaking of them, any advice for them?
Adam: ?Plan, plan, plan! Don’t stress so much about if it’s the right move for you, instead take that first step into the dark. Be real too. I get it, you need to be professional in the workplace and such. Though if something is bothering you, or if you want to do something different in your career, then speak up!
David: You are so right about "speaking up." I know it is hard, especially for fresh graduates, but it is so important to speak up and let those you work with know about what you like, dislike, future plans, or simply setting up boundaries. It drives me crazy to see so many young people leaving their jobs, thinking it will be better at the next one...and not realizing that, sometimes, all what was needed was speaking up. Anyway, Adam, thank you and I look forward seeing you at our next Happy Hour!
Epilogue: What does it mean when we say we transform our rookies and apprentices into Agents of Economic Empowerment? It means we provide them with the skills, knowledge, and connections they need to take control and create the life that they want - professionally, financially, and emotionally. A life that is built around continuous learning and passing on what we learn. And that is what?Adam is all about. We are incredibly grateful that we had a chance to reconnect with Adam and even more grateful that he is regularly coming back to our Happy Hours. Cheers to never stop learning, caring, and sharing!
Marketing/Theatre Double Major at Northern Kentucky University
1 年I liked the discussion about what his "element" was. I feel like going into a career after college, the stress of knowing exactly what you want to do/what you will enjoy is something that plagues every college student. But the way Adam Hartig talked about how he uses data and analysis in just regular day-to-day activities. That gives me a new perspective to self-reflect and find my own element.
MBA Student| Passionate about Project Management and Continuous Innovation, leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance risk management
2 年There were so many highlights in this interview however, I'll narrow down to two. When Adam Hartig was discussing his 2 marathons, he mentioned how he always though about quitting but never did. He said "if you're down for the count or gritting through life, think of something that will get you to the finish line. Just keep fighting". I can see my finish line near and the hurdles are endless so this means a lot to me. Secondly, Adam advises us to "plan, plan, plan". I'm always down for a plan but I try to remain flexible as life does happen. Thanks again David Raska for exposing me to this interview.
Customer Service Specialist
2 年Adam Hartig and David Raska, thank you both for giving us current rookies so much to look forward to. This course or "job" seems overwhelming the first week, but having the opportunity to see how this experience has been a major stepping stone in the past rookies career path is all inspiring. It really makes me want to invest my blood sweat and tears in to being successful in this course. I know that if I invest what is asked of me I will have the equal opportunity to be just as successful as the past rookies. Thank you both again for sharing your experience and your knowledge.
Graduate Assistant - University of Arkansas
2 年This interview with David Raska and Adam Hartig gave me a lot of good insight and information about what the Underground Agency can do for me and assisting in my future! As a current rookie, it was great to hear that the skills we will learn in class will directly relate to jobs we may do. As someone who doesn't like every day to look the same, I think it's beneficial for me to hear that in a job like Adam does he's busy all the time and does new things every day. This interview also showed me that it is okay to fail and then start again. It might take time to find where you fit in and that's okay! I'm super excited about my journey in The Underground Agency and hope that I too will have such a beneficial experience like Adam did.
Interplant Key User at Procter and Gamble
2 年David Raska and Adam Hartig, this was such a great interview to read! There are some great key points that Adam touches on when thinking about life after college. I love that he has been able to find his "Element" and I am hoping to figure that out while being a rookie at The Underground Agency. This semester specifically, I have realized the importance of planning to stay on track and not get too overwhelmed. The advice that Adam gives to current students about planning helps me to confirm that what I have been doing is paying off now and it will payoff in the future as well. I think it is awesome that he has a great idea and plan for what his future looks like and I am hoping to soon be able to see what my future holds as well. Being able to see what past employees of The Agency are doing now and how they got there is very inspiring and makes me excited to get to experience all that it has to offer! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and advice!