If you want to be a better sales professional, resolve to do these five things in 2024
By Chris Peterson

If you want to be a better sales professional, resolve to do these five things in 2024

I used to despise New Years resolutions. Like most people, I was more idealistic in my younger days and felt like resolutions on January 1 delayed action the rest of the year. I also thought that most people resolved to do things that were short-term extremes rather than sustainable behaviors. Now that I’ve lived some of life and realize that there is nothing black or white in our experience, I view the holidays as a great time to reflect on one’s life and New Years Day as a perfect time to refresh one’s routines.

So, below I’ve listed five things that salespeople should do in 2024 to perform better than they did in 2023. Notice that this list isn’t all about sales activity, but about an approach to life as a sales professional.

#1 Exercise.

No matter what one does for a living, they will be better if they exercise on a regular basis. If you don’t exercise now, then start with a light routine – maybe three times a week at a moderate pace. If you already have an exercise routine, evaluate it and make sure it’s suited for the current stage of life in which you find yourself. My exercise routine was revitalized three years ago when I modified it from a routine for a 25-year-old trying to break personal bench press, squat, and 5k records every year to one for a 50-something wanting to be a healthy 90-something one day. That revitalization helped make me a better business person, too.

Don’t take this suggestion lightly. If you exercise, you will be better.

#2 Find problems before your customers do.

As we’re moving from a post-internet b2b buying environment to a b2b buying process enhanced by artificial intelligence, the salesperson that only provides solutions will become a commodity. If one does not meet with their clients before they’re client is shopping and does not help their clients identify problems that could happen in the future, then they will be losing business to those that do. They will be selling at much lower margins. And they will eventually be replaced by machines that learn how to assemble solutions and prices for clients. Get in there early and often, and become their subject matter experts.

#3 Spend 90 minutes per month on sales training activities.

One might read this and think “What am I going to learn in 90 minutes per month?” Proactively conducting sales training for 90 minutes per month – every month – is better than attending one of those “three-day boot camps” once a year. Every month: learn something, practice at it, and do it. Every single month. After about four months, you’ll feel a difference, and after fifteen months, you’ll be a different professional.

#4 Do strategic things first.

Make prospecting calls early in the morning. Conduct training activities on Mondays. Prepare for every sales call at least 48 hours ahead of time. If these and other strategic activities are not done early, they won’t get done. Block this time on your calendar and treat these appointments with the same importance that you treat a sales call.

#5 Use Artificial Intelligence in two ways.

First, play with some of the tools to become more proficient at your activities. Be sure to add personal touches, but feel free to allow the technology to do some of the heavy lifting for you. Secondly, use AI as a motivator. Machine learning will not replace great salespeople. Heck, it won’t replace average salespeople. However, it will replace lazy salespeople. As mentioned above in Idea #2, if a salesperson is simply a solutions provider today – and probably doing well today – they will be replaced in the next few years. Use AI to motivate you to become better at your craft.

Chris Peterson, What's one resolution you think can have the most significant impact on sales success in 2024?



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