You WANT TO be able to CRY for Your Healing Process? E156

You WANT TO be able to CRY for Your Healing Process? E156

First of all, let me clarify that there is nothing wrong with you if you don’t cry. I am not going to tell you that you HAVE TO cry to be able to go through life. But I am going to share with you why you WANT TO be able to cry to advance your journey of growth, healing and freedom. There are many benefits to shedding tears and learning these today might make you rethink bringing a good cry back into your life.

You might not even be aware that you are missing out because you don’t want to cry or you believe that you just can’t. You might have beliefs that you are not supposed to cry to not look weak or pathetic. Maybe you don’t have a problem with crying but something happened to you and since then you are not able to cry. Whatever it is that held you back from crying, it all ends up in YOU resisting to cry.?

If you never cry, you resist it!

Yes, I said it. You are resisting to cry. Either you do it consciously because you were taught that crying is not ok when you were young. Or you do it subconsciously because of trauma or an automated unconscious program holding you back from letting tears run down your beautiful face.?

But I will say it again. If you have not cried in the last, let’s say 3 years, then you have a resistance inside of you to cry. You hold yourself back from crying. Consciously or unconsciously. And if you say now: Linda, I am perfectly fine with not crying. I don’t think I am missing out on anything. That’s great. If you don’t feel like you are missing something, then you do you. Don’t cry. You don’t have to.

Why do I want you to cry?

But why then do I say, that I want you to be able to cry? Why do I make a whole article out of this topic? The reason is that I have seen this in too many of my students or friends who don’t want to or can’t seem to be able to cry. And they are holding themselves back in their healing journey.

Not being able to cry or not wanting to cry could be the last 2% that you need to finally make a big step in your journey. Crying is a part of the releasing of certain emotions like sadness, grief, anger or frustration. Can you process and release these emotions without crying? Yes, you can. To a certain degree. And I know of certain techniques that help you to release trauma and stuck emotions without you reliving these which means no crying.

What I don’t believe is that it is helpful or healthy to resist the act of crying. Every time we resist something, we create a blockage inside of us and that comes with its problems. Again, do you need to cry to release emotions? No. But is it helpful to make better progress on your healing journey? Yes.?

Crying is a catalyst for your healing journey

See it as a catalyst for your healing. If you let go of the conscious or unconscious barrier to the process of crying, then you have a tool at your disposal that allows you to release blocked emotions much quicker and more effectively.?

When I invited people to first let go of the belief that they shouldn't or can’t cry and bring back the opportunity to use tears in their releasing and healing process, every single person said that they were glad that they finally cried again. Some of them worked on releasing certain emotions for months or even years and only when they added tears to the process, were they finally able to let go once and for all.?

It’s like you are missing 5% of the healing formula. And that’s when some of my students get stuck in a loop of working on the same emotional trauma again and again and never feel like they are getting anywhere. Then I ask them: In your release process, have you ever cried? And when the answer is no, I say: Stop doing what you are doing and concentrate on bringing the ability to cry back into your life first. And when they do: Baehm! They are making finally progress on their healing journey.

Don't be afraid to start crying again!

And please don’t be afraid to start crying out of fear that you can’t stop or that it will be too overwhelming for you. When I started to release my stuck emotions I cried a lot at the beginning. And it felt beautiful to do so. Yes, for the first year, I was more easily on the verge of tears until my body was more used to it again. So what? I think it's beautiful to cry when you come across beauty in nature. Or when you watch a sad scene in a movie. Or when I release a bag of anger from inside me and the anger turns into pleading, frustration or sadness and the tears are just coming. It’s beauty. It’s pure release.

Now I am at a point where I can release stuck emotions without the need to cry every time, but I will if I feel the desire to do it. I am more settled in my comfort to cry when I need to or want to. I will never hold tears back again. Holding back tears means suppressing emotions. And I am not going to go there again. Not for anyone or anything.?

The Benefits of Crying

So let’s have a brief look at the benefits that crying provides you: Crying is a way for our bodies to release emotional tension. When we cry, we allow ourselves to let go of build-up and stuck emotions and express our feelings, which can help us to feel more relaxed and at ease afterwards.?

Crying has been shown to reduce stress levels by releasing stress hormones, such as cortisol, from our bodies. It’s like a built-in stress-relief mechanism that can help us feel better during challenging times. Studies that have shown this happening when we cry suggest that crying has a detoxifying effect on our bodies, helping to rid them of harmful substances that can be created by keeping emotions suppressed and bottled up.

Crying can also improve our mood by triggering the release of endorphins, which are our body’s natural feel-good hormones. These endorphins can help lift your spirits and make you feel better emotionally.?

Crying can aid in the processing of complex emotions. It can help us work through grief, sadness, anger or frustration and facilitates emotional healing and recovery. It can also reduce physical tension in our bodies. When we cry, we often experience muscle relaxation and a release of physical tension, which can help us feel more calm and peaceful. It can even help us sleep better.

Wonder how to start crying again?

So how can you start crying again? Obviously, if you have beliefs that you shouldn't cry then it is easy to let go of these beliefs and start believing that crying is good for you. And then let it happen the next time you feel like crying.

If you have trouble crying then I advise you to sit with the question: Why do I stop myself from crying? What is inside of me that doesn’t allow me to cry? And then wait for an answer from your subconscious mind. Open yourself for a memory, a belief or another emotion to come up when you ask yourself these questions.

Understanding why you are blocked off from the process of crying will help you to release this blockage and then practice again the process of crying. It’s a relearning process. There was a time when you were a baby or toddler and you cried. You can do it. There is just something inside of you that doesn’t want you to.?

Listen Inside Yourself for the answers

It could be that you experienced a traumatic event in your life and since then you have not been able to cry again. Then you want to work on releasing the emotions of this event and anything else that comes up in the memory of this experience that could have let you not cry ever again.

I promise you something will come up if you are brave enough to sit in silence with these questions. Or journal on them. Journaling helps to open the doors to the subconscious mind and lets the information come to the surface. Your soul wants you to be able to cry. It will help you to come back to this natural way of releasing emotions. It’s good for you. And it’s healthy to cry.?

Emotional Release Meditation

On my YouTube channel, you find as well the Emotional Release Meditation where I guide you in the process of letting go of stuck emotions. In this meditation, I invite you to cry, to shout or even to yell, if this is what the emotion needs to be released. Always of course in the privacy of your solitude to not harm any people or even pets in your life.?

Use the Emotional Release Meditation for you to make progress on your healing journey. Enjoy bringing back the release of tears back into your life. It’s beautiful!


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