The three words you never want to hear... "We've been hacked". If you think it can't happen to your company, then think again. The Canadian Center for Cyber Security states, "The number of cyber threat actors is rising and they are becoming more sophisticated. Cybercrime continues to be the cyber threat that is most likely to affect Canadians and Canadian organizations". As a Business Consultant, I see companies focusing on this issue more everyday. Currently, many companies are asking for a Business Continuity Plan prior to renewing an existing contract or signing a new one. Why? Simply, the fallout from a breach can be costly and even fatal to a business. Hackers find their way into your database and render you helpless. They then demand a ransom, payable in a cryptocurrency. If you don't pay, they may wipe your database entirely. Nearly every business does a daily backup, but that only gives you access to your data files. A corrupted database can allow access to both yours and your clients' confidential information including financial information. Are you able to withstand the financial fallout from this? What are the long-term effects? Do you lose key clients? Further, do your suppliers have a plan? If not, are you comfortable having your confidential information vulnerable should they face a breach? The last fourteen months have been immensely difficult as businesses world-wide have struggled to overcome the obstacles placed before them by Covid-19 without facing a new, invisible enemy.
What can you do? Examine your account list and determine the effect that a breach could have on your company from a financial, H/R and continuity perspective. Next, have a round table meeting (live or virtually) with your team to discuss your concerns. Many times, a group meeting brings out valuable insight. Ask each member to describe how they feel their clients will react. Are your relationships solid enough that your corporate partners will stand by you? What about the human aspect? How will the stress of a breach affect your staff? The questions are endless.
If you have questions about what your next steps should be, contact me. I'll be happy to discuss strategy and offer solutions. At Firebird Business Consulting , we focus on working one on one with businesses to provide successful solutions.
I can be reached at 306-221-7422 or via email at [email protected]