Are You A Victim Of THE LUCIFERIAN EFFECT? You Wouldn't Be Alone - 99.99% Of The World Is.

Are You A Victim Of THE LUCIFERIAN EFFECT? You Wouldn't Be Alone - 99.99% Of The World Is.

"So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world"?Rev 12:9

If you follow Christianity, Judaism or Islam, you are a victim of The Luciferian Effect - the observed phenomenon in which one is convinced they follow the Word of God yet in reality practices heretical doctrines sold as God's Word from false prophets, priesthoods, and teachers who reject it completely and have violated His commandment to neither add to, take from, turn left or turn right from it, whose religions the Lord never founded, named, nor taught and followers He never blessed, formed covenants with, nor promised to redeem and none of which appear in original Hebrew or Greek scriptures. For "Abrahamic religions" to have validity, the God of Abraham would have to a lying hypocrite who breaks His Word which He clearly does not yet so programmed and in denial their followers, they dismiss these irrefutable facts despite how straight-forward and overwhelming the scriptures and facts are. The state the world is in is proof positive it is not one that obeys the Word of God but one that rejects it and?contrary to the fairy-tales these false, man-made?and non-Biblical religions would have you believe, rejection of God's forever instruction brings His wrath at Judgment - you have His eternal, forever, and identical Word in the OT and NT on it.

Those called to God see thru Satan's deception and gratefully embrace the Lord's true, forever, and unchanging Word in the Hebrew OT and Greek NT which it must be given the fact the He does not lie, change His mind, forget, nor breaks His covenants, oaths, or promises - He tells you so Himself. The Patriarchs, Prophets, and disciples of the OT and Apostles, Pharisee Paul, and disciples of the NT all knew this - it is they who provide the 2-3 witness testimony that confirm God's 12 identical absolute truisms between the Hebrew and Greek texts. We now know despite the efforts of "Abrahamic religions" to corrupt and suppress the truth, the Lord's one true identity, first person name, title, teaching, keys to heaven and chosen ones because they are exactly the same in the OT and NT - the Lord's Word is perfectly parallel from Genesis to Revelation as it can only be - the evidence is irrefutable and its deduction indisputable.“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.

For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matt 7:13-14

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