Are You Using Your Intelligence to Build and Create or Tear Down and Destroy?
Tina Saxena
Helping professionals & executives define Vision and Purposeful Life Transformation Goals and actuate Effective Strategies. Life Coaching - NLP - Confidence - Imposter Syndrome - Clarity - Accountability - Mindfulness
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the person or persons involved were doing their best to show how intelligent, informed and right they were, and how much they knew by openly or subtly pulling others down?
On the other hand, have you ever been in a situation where those involved were actually doing their best to encourage, empower, guide and support others?
How did you feel in either situation?
In the complex and varied landscape of human interaction, there is a stark contrast between these two fundamental approaches. On one side, there are those who prove their intelligence by tearing others down, while on the other, there are individuals who utilize their wisdom and expertise to uplift and empower those around them. This divergence isn’t just an abstract concept but plays an important and crucial role in shaping the cultures we inhabit, whether at work, in our communities, or within our families. The question we must all ask ourselves is, “How am I showing up?” So, my friends, just how are You showing up? Which one are you?
In toxic cultures, the prevailing mindset is that knowledge and expertise serve as weapons, instruments and tools to wield against others in a ruthless game of one-upmanship. The toxic culture thrives on a sense of unhealthy comparison and false superiority, asserting dominance by belittling or discrediting others. In such an environment, intelligence is often weaponized and used to undermine the self-esteem and confidence of those who dare to express their ideas or opinions. It is an abuse and a petty misuse of talent, knowledge, skills and power.
But what happens when we shift our perspective from a culture of toxicity to one that is healthy and nurturing? In healthy cultures, people channel their intelligence into building others up. Knowledge and expertise become invaluable resources to share, fostering an environment of growth, collaboration, and collective wins and successes. There is no comparison or competition because everyone is running their own race and winning at it.
The choice of how we show up in our interactions with others is ours and the responsibility is ours alone. This choice has a profound impact on the quality of our relationships, the effectiveness of teams, and the overall well-being of our society.
Are you with me? Or are you held back by a ‘If I don’t get one up on the others, I will be left behind’ or ‘Let me not share what I know, so I can benefit and get promoted’ kind of mentality?
I would warmly recommend that you expand your worldview and delve into your personal identity if you’re still identifying with the sentences of lack and limitation given above.
I think we aren’t here to play petty games, our purpose on this planet is bigger much bigger!
The Toxicity of Tearing Down — Destruction
In a culture where tearing others down is the norm, the consequences can be devastating. Such an environment often results in high levels of stress, anxiety, and insecurity among its members and the body pays the toll of having to constantly be on alert for dangers lurking everywhere. The constant fear of criticism and humiliation also stifles natural creativity and innovation, as individuals become hesitant and afraid to voice their ideas or take risks. Moreover, this toxic cycle perpetuates itself, with people feeling compelled to tear down others as a defence mechanism, creating a never-ending cycle of negativity.
In this context, intelligence becomes a weapon that exacerbates divisions and hinders progress. Rather than being a force for good, it is used to maintain power-led hierarchies and suppress meritorious and talented voices, ultimately holding back the collective potential of the group.
If you’re open to exploring more, let us look at some ways in which we can contribute to a healthier and more empowering culture:
The Beauty of Building Up — Creation
Conversely, in healthy cultures, individuals understand that knowledge and expertise are precious resources to be shared for the greater good. In such an environment, intelligence is a tool that empowers and inspires, rather than intimidates. When people use their intelligence to build up others, several positive outcomes emerge naturally, creating momentum for a win-win situation.
Sharing knowledge and expertise creates opportunities for collaboration. Teams of all kinds become more cohesive and effective as members support and complement each other’s skills. This fosters innovation as people feel safe to explore new ideas, knowing they won’t be ridiculed but rather supported in all their endeavours. In such an open and healthy culture, personal and professional growth is a given as people are encouraged to develop their skills and talents. Mentorship, and the sharing of knowledge, wisdom and insights become a natural part of the ecosystem in a positive environment with an uplifting atmosphere. This enhances the well-being of all concerned and leads to reduced stress levels, a lower rate of substance abuse and a healthier and happier society overall.
Mindfulness and gratitude are two cornerstones of fostering a culture where intelligence is used to build up. When we are mindful, we are aware of our thoughts, words, and actions, and we can consciously choose to use our intelligence for positive purposes.
Mindfulness allows us to pause and reflect before we respond to others and enables us to consider the impact of our words and actions on those around us. By pausing, we can intentionally opt for the path of constructive interaction.
When we are grateful for the knowledge and expertise we possess, we are more inclined to be generous and share it with others. Gratitude reminds us of the value of collaboration and collective growth, encouraging us to contribute positively to the culture we inhabit.
Besides this, an outlook of faith, positivity and optimism makes us show up confidently without any insecurities. When we approach interactions with such a mindset, we are more likely to uplift and inspire others. We actively choose to focus on solutions and growth as opposed to being held back by challenges or difficulties.
As we all know, optimism is contagious. When one person confidently approaches a situation with a “can-do” attitude, it has a ripple effect, inspiring those around them to do the same and galvanising them into action. The power of collective optimism can transform any culture into a healthy and thriving one!
I encourage you to engage in some deep self-reflection and analyse your behaviour. How are you showing up in your daily interactions? Are you using your intelligence to tear others down, or are you committed to building them up?
Consider the impact of your words, actions, and choices on your relationships, whether at work, at home, or in your community.
Recognize the moments when you might be tempted to wield your knowledge as a weapon and choose a different path — one that leads to growth, collaboration, and empowerment.
By using our intelligence to build up rather than tear down, we can foster a healthier, more nurturing environment where knowledge and expertise are shared resources. This shift from toxicity to positivity begins with self-awareness, mindfulness, and gratitude, and it’s propelled by the optimism and collaborative spirit we bring into every interaction.
So, I ask you once more - “How are you showing up?”
The answer lies within you, and it has the power to transform not only your life but the lives of those around you.
As a mindfulness practitioner and life-design coach, I help clients focus on well-being and personal growth and make life choices that prioritize their mental and emotional health. I work with them to resolve confidence issues and Imposter Syndrome. This leads to personal freedom and independence allowing the person to blossom and manifest the life they deserve. If you’re looking to expand your horizons and/or overcome issues, connect with me.