Are You Using LinkedIn to It's Full Capacity?
David DeCelle
Compulsive Learner | Advisor Turned Entrepreneur | Empowering Financial Planning Firms & Advisors | Grateful Leader
Are you using LinkedIn to it's full capacity?
Do you use the free version or have you paid for Premium?
Did you know that you can not only see how many people have viewed your profile, but you can also see who's viewed it?
LinkedIn even provides insights based on your target market to further refine the search.
For example, there have been over 6,000 people who have viewed my profile over the last 90 days. That that number doesn't really mean much because the majority of those people aren't in my target market.
But what does matter is that there is about 150 people who are directly in my target market and LinkedIn has filtered them for me already and that doesn't include my own digging in that pile of 6,000 views.
You see, when you look at your posts on Instagram and Facebook, you can see how many views you got but you can't see who viewed it so you have no idea who to engage with unless they comment or like on your post.
With LinkedIn, you may not be able to see that either but you can still see who's viewed your profile and if they've viewed your profile it was probably triggered by one your posts.
So now what can you do?
Go and hit them up!
Share something of value, message them, shoot an personal introduction video, do something before they forget about who you are.
This is a great way to "strike while the iron's hot" and engage with your audience on an individual level.
Like everything in this social media and content marketing game, this takes diligence, consistency and a positive attitude. If you're looking to get results on your first try then you're setting yourself up for failure.
But if you make it a part of your daily routine and focus on adding value, you're business will grow - I can promise you that.
As always, let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to schedule a call here:
I will be following up tomorrow with a quick screen share to show you exactly where to find this on LinkedIn so stay tuned!