Are you an unknowing victim of AP fraud?

Are you an unknowing victim of AP fraud?

Accounts Payable (AP) is particularly vulnerable to fraud from inside and outside your business. Just think about all the money that flows out of a business, from vendors and suppliers to utilities, rent and loan payments - every dollar that a company spends goes through AP. Check tampering alone results in a median loss of $158,000 per business according to the ACFE's 2016 report.

So what is AP Fraud?

AP fraud involves a wide range of check tampering cons, billing schemes, and travel & expense reimbursement scams. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) provides the following definitions of these forms of AP fraud.

  1. Check Tampering Scheme - a person steals his/her employer's funds by intercepting, forging, or altering a check.
  2. Billing Scheme - a person causes his/her employer to issue a payment by submitting invoices for fictitious goods or services.
  3. Expense Reimbursement Scheme - a person makes a claim for reimbursement of fictitious or inflated business expenses.

J.P. Morgan Chase estimated that businesses spent $186B in T&E expenses. Of that, $1B can be attributed to fraud.

5 Ways to Detect AP Fraud

  1. Consider the human element.
  2. Verify your vendors.
  3. Test transactions.
  4. Monitor financial ratios.
  5. Review write-offs.

For a complete guide to identifying & preventing AP Fraud, reach out and I'll send you a complimentary booklet that we, in collaboration with some great CPAs and CFOs, put together this month. It's a great piece with ideas on conducting a risk assessment and ways to immediately begin preventing AP fraud.


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