Are You The Type Of Person You Want To Be?
Jaiye Cordory
You Can Do Better So Why Aren't You? Let me help you unlock your limitless potential.
Are You The Type Of Person You Want To Be?
What type of person are you? Are you striving to get to the person you want to be? Or are you settling for who you are now and who you have been told you can be?
You don’t have to settle for who you are now! You can be anyone you want to as long as you go and get it.
What Type of Person Do You Want To Be?
The easiest way to work this out is to think about people that you admire. People you would like to be like and then uncover what makes them like that.
Are they confident? Kind? Generous? Outgoing? Determined? Focused? Calm? Brave? Genuine?
What character traits makes them who they are?
Write these down in a list. Go back to this list for a few days every time you think of characteristics that you admire in others and keep adding to it. Be really honest with yourself about who you want to be.
Do not ever cross something off the list or not write something because you think you couldn’t be like that! When you think you can’t, that is your paradigm telling you that because it is not who you are now. Let me give you an example…
A Real-Life Example Of A Person Changing
I was very badly bullied, picked on and side-lined as a child and teenager. My mum moved us from Cambridgeshire to Yorkshire, so my accent, mannerisms and ideas were very different. This made me an easy target.
Years of this left me with no self-esteem or confidence. I would stand on the side-lines of activities I really wanted to take part in and watch, because I convinced myself I’d make a fool of myself and be ridiculed further. I lived a quiet, under the radar life, not engaging with other people or making meaningful friendships through fear of being turned on.
Fast forward 20 years and you have me today. Outgoing, confident, able to stand in front of audiences and speak, a teacher, a parent. I don’t allow my fear of other people’s possible ideas or words to stop me from living my life. I’ve noticed that what I think other people are thinking or going to say is purely based on what I would say or think if I were them. But I am not them, so cannot predict it, and have stopped trying! It is irrelevant and unhelpful to the person I want to be.
How did this happen?
I realised that this is my life. No one else’s. What I think others might think or say is irrelevant because their judgement is on them and their perceptions and has nothing to do with me.
I cannot begin to tell you how freeing that realisation is!
To go from living a sheltered life always scared to express myself for fear of ridicule, to a life where I do and say what I want is life changing. I no longer feel stuck, trapped, or like there should be more to life. And you can to.
How Do I Become The Person I Want To Be?
·??????First step, as above, find a list of qualities / traits / characteristics that you would like to have.
·??????Second, understand and believe that anybody can change their characteristics, in the same way that a computer can be reprogrammed.
·??????Third, decide on the type of person you want to be. Build a picture of them in your mind, including how they dress, speak, and act. What do they do for a living? Where do they live? Build a clear image of the future self that you want to be.
·??????Fourth, focus on that image of future you and feel how they would feel. Are they proud? Do they feel fulfilled? A sense of achievement? Allow yourself to feel those feelings. Really get emotionally involved with them and allow yourself to feel them.
·??????The fifth step is the key. You can see your future self. You can feel how they feel. Now you must act like them. Consciously act like the person you want to become. Make every decision as if your future self was making it. Do everything as if it were your future self doing it.
This might sound far-fetched. But trust me, and the countless others who have done this, it works.
Why Does This Work?
This works because your subconscious mind, which houses your paradigm and controls 95% of your behaviour, doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. It responds to what your thinking, conscious, mind is telling it.
This means you have a choice.
You can either focus on the world around you now, your results, your personality, and your environment. In which case you will continue to get more of the same.
Or you switch focus as often as possible to the life you want to lead and the person you want to be. This effectively tricks your subconscious into believing that is your life and it changes your beliefs and behaviours to get to it.
“We become what we think about all day long.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
What Is The Quickest Way To Change The Type Of Person I Am?
By believing that you can change! You need to be open-minded to new ideas and build your self-confidence to a point where you are willing to try out these new ideas.
This belief in yourself is all you need to get started. Believe that you can become the person you want to be, and ignore what others say. They are not living your life, you are. So you should be living it as you want to, not how someone else thinks you should live.
If you want any help in working out who you want to be, I have an upcoming interactive 5-day workshop. It starts on 21st November (replays will be on YouTube if you are reading this after the 21st November 2022!), and will run for 30-45minutes each day on Zoom. There will be interactive activities to complete and time for questions.
If you want to discuss the content of this post and get started right now, get in touch! Contact me by email, drop me a comment below, or schedule a 30 minute 1:1 Discovery call through my Calendly.
I look forward to speaking with you soon and hope this post helps you to start living to your fullest potential.