You Trump are trying to trivialize humanity, and this will lead to you being despised, no matter how sorry people feel for you later-Too late for you
Donald Trump, at the end of the day, it can only be said that your entire life of over 73 years has been(even if you are a disciple of Norman Peale that your beliefs will in the end create your reality) a FAILURE.
This is my answer. It is too late for you. Your dreams of a genuine monument to a purported great Historical sense of shock and awe about the Trump name, have FAILED.
Your hate filled rally moments, with you acting like a retarded version of Adolph Hitler have defined your failure.
My right hand, crippled by Cubital Tunnel syndrome can even now outperform your ravings since unlike you, I have CONTENT to what I put out. You have NO content, just psychopathology.
Ever hear of Bandy Lee, the Yale University psychiatrist whom has defined you as the dangerous Narcissist and also blow hard you are ?
Millions of Americans DID vote for you but only because you LIED to them. The fact that you lie to get any followers is the most complete damnation which can be added to your name.
I have over 20 thousand LI connections, and I do reach out to people, TRUMP. Not by the device of sucking up to PUTIN (another great thief like you), but by communicating hard facts.
Again, your failure is what you will be known by. Even if I died due to violence initiated due to your followers, it would be another signpost as to your failure. I am a greater human being than you because I do not LIE to gain influence.
You are the king of LIES, Trump. That is your failure and there is no amount of raving on the part of your socially damaged followers to erase that damnation of your name or your historical place as the greatest con man in world history
Andrew Beckwith, PhD