If you truly Love someone … Do You Wait ?
We’ve all heard romantic stories about young women faithfully waiting for many years, sometimes indefinitely, for their beloved who went to war. Those women were always represented as examples of moral righteousness, true love and an example to be followed.
We’ve also heard stories about young soldiers who come back from war physically and mentally wounded, only to find out that their beloved has moved on and living with someone else.
It may be devastating for the young soldier, but is it really ok to expect a person to live in solitude and misery for years and years, without seeking comfort and connection with other people, just because there is a chance that the one they love might one day come back?
You can love someone indefinitely, but there is no point to deprive yourself of connection with other humans because of that.
It’s a romantic myth that there is only one person that you can love in your lifetime. It simply isn’t true. You can find love again if you don’t shut yourself away from the world.
We are very complex beings, and on top of that, we are constantly evolving. We can form lots of different relationships and connect with different people in countless different ways throughout our lifetime. The most important thing is to stay true to ourselves and not deprive ourselves of things that are important to our physical and mental wellbeing.
Staying alone for a long time and hoping for something that may or may not happen is not healthy because it means you’ve given away all power over your own life.
Not because I’m in a hurry, or because I have any pride-based sense that someone has to take me now or never.
I won’t wait, because in my experience, waiting inherently fails.
It fails, because people change over time. If I want the person as they are NOW, whatever they go through that eventually might lead them to come in my direction, will change them. And so the reason I waited, will be erased by the act of waiting.
A secondary related thing that can happen is that BECAUSE someone does wait, the person they are waiting for, deduces that they can dally with whatever or whoever they are currently involved with, and keep the person waiting, as a fall-back plan. In that case, the act of waiting
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Thank you …causes the person being waited for, to be MORE comfortable where and with whom they are.
Yes, I would wait for that person. I know that person will return for me. If my love is true then she will have to return not because I want her or she wants me because we both want each other.
We want to grow old not because of one another but with one another.
Here true love comes to those people who wait patiently. There should be truth in your relationship otherwise the other person will break the relationship.
There is always someone in the world waiting for someone else, whether in the middle of the desert or in the heart of some big city.
And when these two people’s paths cross and their eyes meet, the whole of the past and the whole of the future lose all importance, and there only exists that moment and that incredible certainty that everything under the Sun was written by the very same Hand.
The Hand that awakens Love and creates a sister soul for everyone who works, rests and seeks treasures under the Sun.
Were it not for this, the dreams of the human race would make no sense.
Yes, you always have the choice to wait for someone you really love. As long as you have a basis that they are willing to reciprocate your love, but if they are very clear if they say they dont move on.Sp you won’t miss any chance you will never know that someone is just around the corner waiting for you
Want to add word or two?
Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don't.
I'd wait for someone for years if I'm assured that the person I'm waiting for will definitely come to me after a certain time. Like, “I'd come be with you once my my exams are done”. There's a set amount of time.
But if somebody told me, “I'm (pretty) sure I'd love you too if you give me some time” I'd say, “Screw it, this won't work”.
You should wait if the person says that they will come to you for sure. But it's not advisable to wait blindly. It's emotional, not rational.
Being emotional will be pleasing at the moment. But in the long run, emotions alone won't get you anywhere positive.
Your comment ….?
Yes, I would wait for that person. I know that person will return for me. If my love is true then she will have to return not because I want her or she wants me because we both want each other. We want to grow old not because of one another but with one another. Here true love comes to those people who wait patiently.
There should be truth in your relationship otherwise the other person will break the relationship
It depends on the situation.
Are you confident they would do the same for you?
Otherwise, you need to think about your own benefits and move on.
It may take years for them to be able to come back.
Do you wait?
Do you love them that much to wait?
How sure are you that that’ll work out?
Things may be different by the time they come back- maybe you’ll feel another way when they do.
Now, instead of the scenario where they’re moving away, let’s say they’re already in a relationship, but that person insists they’re in love with you and that they’ll leave their partner for you.
Would you still wait for that person even though they possibly might’ve hurt someone else in the process?
Would you be willing to be the culprit of a failed relationship?
Telling someone you’ll wait for them is the type of promise no one should make. It holds expectations that can be so hard to achieve to the point it’ll remain broken no matter how many times someone tries to make it work.
Before anyone promises to wait for them because they truly are in love, they should consider who and what situation they’re compromising their time and commitment to.
There’s also that end where doubts will come into play due to both parties being separated from each other for who knows how long. Now let’s say he/she promises that they’ll come back for you once they know they’re coming back for sure.
Just because you know someone would wait for you forever, doesn't mean you can let them wait that long.
Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say "I love you," but not everyone can wait and prove it's true.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
5 年Please check this link as well? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/she-always-waiting-you-dayal-ram/