Are you treating your customers right?

Are you treating your customers right?

Yes, of course they are human, you say. But, many businesses tend to forget that and end up treating their customers like numbers.

When you start out as a business owner, you know that loyal customers are key to your growth. You look after them like you would your own kids or pets. You go to extremes to make sure they are happy and err on the side of “the customer is always right”.

Time goes by, your business grows nicely and you can’t afford to give your customers that individual and special attention. We understand that this will happen – how can one person spread him/herself so thin? 

So, how can you provide the human touch to customers, ensuring that they feel they are still important, and allowing you, the business owner, to breathe easy?


It really does start from within, so look to your staff and see whether they understand what your company culture is all about. Look even deeper and analyse whether your company culture has a customer centric design.

Essentially, in order to have a sound customer centric design, you want to be focused on these 4 salient areas:

1. Knowing your customer inside and out

What does your target customer want? Getting to know them and understand exactly what it is they need, will help you to find the solutions and of course the products or services that will appease them. Ensure your staff are in tune with your customers’ needs and wants. Ensure they are asking the right questions and that they take the time to find the answers.

2. Understanding and working towards prioritizing products, services and new ideas

There are seasons for everything and it’s your job to know when those are and what products, services and new ideas should be funnelled where. Ask yourself every time, in that moment, for that offering: Is it valuable? How complex is it? Is it necessary? Use the old 1 out of 10 ratio to answer these questions, then put the item/service into a prioritizing list. Deal with the highest scoring item first.

3. Problem Solve as you grow

There will always be issues that need resolving. But, you don’t have to stop your progress in growth in order to solve them. Ensure you have set up processes to address problems that arise, so that you can continue with the business of business.

4. Feedback Feedback Feedback

No one likes to be kept out of the loop. To keep your offering and your brand more personable, make sure you get back to customers often. Maybe they had a query. Maybe they wanted a new product. Maybe you changed a product. Maybe you said you were launching a new product. Whatever it is, give feedback to your valuable customers.

Always put yourself in the customers shoes. How would you want to be treated? How would you want to be communicated with? Today, in our digital world, there are many ways you can reach out to customers, and many of these ways can still keep that human touch element going without you being physically involved.

If you need some guidance on how to treat your customers like humans, make contact with us today. We have loads of working ideas. 

#therevenueunlocker #businessmodels #customerretention #8020rule


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