Are you trapped by your "elephant rope"?
Have you heard the story of the elephant rope? This story really intrigued me because of how true it is. Here's how the story goes:
There was once a man who was walking through the plains of Africa, as he was passing a herd of elephants he suddenly stopped and was confused by the fact that these huge animals were being held by a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no shackles, nothing, just the small rope. It was clear to the man that the elephants could break free anytime they wanted to, but for some reason they didn't attempt to break their bonds...
He saw the herder nearby and approached to ask why these animals just stood there without attempting to get away. The herder simply replied "well, when they were very young and much smaller, we used the same size rope to tie them up and at that age, it's enough to hold them back. So as they grew up, they were already conditioned to believe that they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never attempt to break free."
The man stood there dumbfounded at the reply. The animals could at anytime break free from their bonds and trample the herder but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they are.
Like the elephants, how many of us hang on to that belief that we achieve something just because we failed at it once. How many of us hang on to the belief that we can't be successful, can't do something, can't take risks simply because they were the expectations of those they grew up around?
Failure is a part of life and also a key component of growth and learning. We should never give up the struggle of life or avoid failure.
So what is your rope? What is the rope that holds you back? What is the rope that you can so easily shed and run wild towards your dreams? Is it your job? Your degree? Your 'friends'? Your relationship? Your limiting beliefs? What is that rope that holds you back?
My advice for you today is that, that "chain" you think that holds you back may really just be a piece of dental floss that you can absolutely break free from. The only way for you to break free is to tell yourself a different story to that one you grew up listening to! Find your herd, find those people who can point you in the right direction and tell you another story.
Remember this, who you are today is made from the person you were yesterday, who you will be tomorrow is made from the decisions you make today. So if you don't want to be in the same position as you are today in 5 years time, it's time to step up and make a move in life! Say yes, go forward, then figure out how in the process. Go and DOMINATE the day! Break free from the imaginary chains that bind you.