Are You On Track?
Beverly Walthour, Ed.S.
??Established Christian Female Coaches & Service Providers for Coaches hire me to generate $100k+ in 90 days using Kingdom Principles. Apply TODAY. Author of the Profit Planners ??
As a Business Strategist for Established Christian Female Coaches who desire to ACCELERATE their INCOME & IMPACT without compromising their Christian Values, one of the things we focus on is tracking their numbers so that they make decisions based on the data and not their feelings.
As we prepare to bring Quarter 2 and the 1st half of 2022 to a close, now is the PERFECT time to see if you are on track to hit the goals you have set for the year.
As Christian Female Coaches, you may have set numbers for:
If you are on track to hit your goals, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep remaining focused on those that GOD has called you to serve in this season.
If you are not on track to hit your goals, please remember that there is still time left in this Quarter. Don't give up and say that it's only a few days so I will wait until July 1st. What if the person you were called to serve can't wait until July 1st. What if their relief and deliverance rest upon you being obedient?
If this is you, make a Game Plan for the last few days of this month and stick to it. Sit down and write out what you can do and how you can go about doing it (write the vision and make it plain).
For instance, if your goal is to hit a certain revenue goal, ask yourself:
These are a FEW questions you can ask yourself TODAY so that you sign clients TODAY.
If you are an Established Christian Female Coach who wants to ACCELERATE your INCOME & IMPACT without compromising your Christian Values, then send me a message so that we can chat about how I may be able to support you.