4 Secrets to Happiness
Are you the type of person who always looks for personal development but doesn't have enough time?
?Do you always wish to be happy above all?
I know I do, pretty often...and if you are anything like me, you have realized how important happiness is to you.
?Did you know you can find happiness all around you without spending any cash?
?I know what you're thinking..."Yeah, right! Just another scam." ... Not even close, I promise! I will share with you little-known secrets that you can do today with Zero effort.
?As you already know, happiness takes a different form for different people. Some want wealth, others popularity but we both know that those...will never have a lasting effect. Like the last time, you won some extra cash, you felt satisfied... but it didn't take long for the feeling to disappear.
?Temporary satisfaction doesn't make you feel happy!
?So, how do you get Happy and feel the bliss?
?We know that humanity has been looking for this for centuries...but don't worry you don't have to.
?I've done the research for you. It has been right under our noses forever...and the fun part...we have been doing it ever since we were children.
?The secret...curiosity..but not the one that killed the cat. The curiosity that a child has, the one that allowed you to discover the world. There is nothing more precious than a child's curiosity.
?Remember the old days when you were a child. You explored and felt strong emotions without a care in the world. You didn't care about looking silly or getting dirty.
?All you wanted was to ride your bicycle in a circle or slide down the hill on a rainy day.?You were chasing that feeling of bliss and happiness without overthinking it. Without looking at the pros and cons.
?But somewhere along the way, you stopped being curious. Because people told you so or you were in a situation that you had no other choice. Either way that’s the moment you stopped chasing the bliss.
?We all get programmed at some point in our lives. We stop acting on impulse, start estimating the possible dangers and then proceed. That’s all good and it works to keep you safe in some situations….but since when being safe is fun?
?Under normal circumstances that is. I don’t mean wars, natural disasters, or anything that is not in your control. What you can control are your actions.?
?Do you still hear those voices telling you what you are “supposed” to be doing? Or... “Grow up”, “Be responsible”, “Get serious” etc. Well every now and then you need to ignore them.
?Be that same child you were a long time ago. Allow your curiosity to run free.
?Remember that last time you discovered something new about the world around you?
Remember how you felt? Full of life and excitement. There is a reasonable explanation for that. Scientists call it the feel-good chemical.
?We call it ...
How is curiosity connected to happiness?
?Science has an answer to this - Dopamine.
?The chemical that reduces your stress levels and increases positive emotions… Among others.
?Our brain produces feel-good chemicals on its own.. with a bit of help. Wanna know when?
?Try exploring. Discover the world all over again! Look at the world through your inner child's eyes.?You will feel the exact same emotion as the last time you acted on impulse.
?Remember the last time you acted on impulse? You were most likely doing something you like. Being passionate or intimate without feeling judged.
?Now, close your eyes... imagine getting this excited about discovering a park near your house? Or being present when taking a stroll around nature.
?I'm not saying that being intimate and walking is the same thing. If I were, I’d be nuts. All I am saying is that you should be able to act on impulse without caring about what people might say. You deserve to feel that happiness everywhere.
Make it a habit to look for happiness all around you. Here are 4 tips to help you do just that.
?4 tips to be more curious
?First, allow your inner child to guide you. How? Simple, be spontaneous, do not overthink it, challenge your fears, and explore everything. And here's how exactly to do it.
Do random things without questioning why? Go for the hike that you have been thinking about. Learn how to write prose. Start that blog. Go for a drive without a destination in mind. Whatever made people laugh at you...Do it.
2. Do Not Overthink
There’ll always be a reason NOT to do something. Overthinking is only sabotaging your inner child. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to put your life in danger. Always be cautious but don't create absurd dangers that don't exist. Just go for it.
3. Challenge Your Fears
Start small, no big leaps. The change will come with persistence. It’ll take you some tries...But the satisfaction of beating your fears will be glorious!
When I say everything I mean Everything. Places, possibilities, tastes, cultures, ideas, etc. Have an open mind and allow yourself to feel the beauty of the world.?Be the explorer that discovers the unlimited possibilities around you... and as a bonus discover yourself! You'll be shocked at the results. The level of your happiness will explode!
To Conclude
?You can find happiness everywhere. As long as you're looking for it. With the limited free time you have, you can still do wonders. So, do your mental health a favor and be curious at all times!?
Stay curious = be happy.