Are you tired of wasting time on Junk Leads?
Chantelle Fraser
VP Sales | Startup CEO | Growth Expert | Fractional Sales Leader | Growth Marketer | Entrepreneur
Sales and Marketing may be two words on paper but in practice, it's an eco-system of hundreds of components that have to work together to help businesses achieve growth results.
It starts with the Marketing Strategy, taking that message to market which you hope result in generating hot leads that convert to paying, happy customers.
Unfortunately it's not a simple task and its not as simple as a lead to a direct sale. There are so many touch points that happen before the sale is closed.
So whether you are a business owner or a marketer that has been hired by a business to help them grow their business, at the end of the day you are accountable for bringing in new customers.
There are so many channels available today to share you message with your prospective customers but it takes time to figure out which channels actually work for your business.
Put yourself in a consumers shoes for a moment.
There is so much noise around us everyday, all day. It feels like most brands don't take the time to really get to know us and they just keep following us around with ads and offers that we not really interested in, or don't know enough about to make a buying decision.
So now just imagine how noisy it gets out there when there are over 6 million businesses advertising on Facebook alone....
For you as the company - it just make's it much harder to stand out.
You not just competing with other companies.
Consumers are not sitting and waiting for your ads while they are online. You know this because that is not what you do as a consumer.
When we are online, we there to interact with our friends, other people and learn.
Everyday there are....
- 95 million photos on Instagram
- 500 million tweets on Twitter
- 480 million updates on Facebook
- 14 million pins on Pinterest
- 500 000 LinkedIn posts
Ask yourself this question?
How many times have you clicked on something but did not buy?
The answer is - often!
For us business owners and marketers this is our biggest nightmare because now we think you are our target audience but you actually had no intention of buying. Our target audience looks really big, our cost per click is high but nobody is buying.....
And you ad bill is high but you just not getting anyone to buy.
And then when you do get responses its from someone who is very confused about what you do. This is a real example, funny but a complete waste of time and money.
You may know who your Ideal Customer is...
Men between the age of 35 and 40 living in Gauteng. That is what we call a Lead Score in LeadSquared but your BEST CUSTOMER is going to that male between the age of 35 and 40 living in Gauteng who;
- Needs or Desires what you are selling
- Can and is willing to pay for what you are selling
There are so many channels to focus on but once you put the hard work in you will know where your they hang out and where to reach them.
In my example, why would I keep buying Facebook Ads, when I already know where my best customer spends their time?
So we know that using Content and driving our prospects who need our solution and are willing to pay for our solution, to our LeadSquared Landing Page so they can complete a form and boom - we call this a Marketing Qualified Lead.
Here is another example of a Sales Qualified Lead that our customers get using LeadSquared. The prospect has said, I want what you selling, please contact me so I sign up.
Whether you a small marketing team, a big marketing team or a solopreneur, I am sure that you have a lot more accountabilities beyond just bringing in leads. Meetings after meeting and before you know it the end of the day has come and you never feel like you can actually get on top of the actual marketing work.
The worst part comes when you now need to try collate data from disconnected systems and software that you use to try and make sense of what the actual results are.....
"Close to half (48%) cite analytics tools as the most important tools needed to measure content marketing performance. A CRM system is also considered important for 37% of respondents, while 3 in 10 say marketing automation (30%) and social sharing tools (29%) are critical for effective measurement."
You just never get to a point where you can Monitor, Process and Take the Right Action and definitely not at scale.
So imagine how much easier Marketing would be for you if you had all these tools in one easy-to-use platform?
And imagine, if this platform was completely aligned with your Sales Channels so you can track your leads from capture through to closure?
You don't have to imagine it, you just need to try out LeadSquared.
We would love to give you a walk-through so you can experience the magic for yourself.
The best part is we charge in good old South African Rands, so say goodbye to paying for global leading solutions in USD.
If you would like me to send you a easy-to-use calculator that will show you why you can't afford not to use a solution like LeadSquared - please share your email address with me and I will get it off to you. Just use the form below....
Take care
Chantelle - CEO LeadSquared Africa