Your time requires Management & Coordination
Pamala Baldwin
C-Suite, 5* hospitality, Lifespan & Wellness EXECUTIVE SEARCH, FUTURIST & Founder of YinYang Reserves & Residences, ORMA and Tapestry Pive Club
May 26, 2024
Maximizing your time—maximizing your longevity, beauty, rejuvenation, and happiness is a lifestyle choice to adapt into perpetuity.?? Wellness and longevity clinics, hotels and resorts have amazing programs for diagnostics and initial treatments.? Regardless of time restrictions, whether you spend a week or a month on self-improvement at ?the location of your choice and then you return home.? Now what?
Enter 2024,—guests often prioritize the latest advances in wellbeing, and they are now far less preoccupied in high octane parties. ?
You need state-of-the art diagnostic equipment within a ?dedicated longevity clinic, caters to: “rejuvenation and longevity.” Customers for €1,500, they can have their very DNA sent off to be assessed in our laboratory. All with the goal of staying healthy, strong, and vital for longer. cannot stop the relentless march of time, but can help to prevent it from .rearing up its’ head early.
Scientists have made research available showing that, with certain inputs, we can slow and even reverse cellular aging says, a former ?triathlete who is medical director. “It gives them a sense of autonomy over their own health—they get excited.”
In a world where so called wellness resorts proliferate-caution, you need to investigate carefully snd ?will struggle to find an appealing place in which to take your future wellbeing into their own hands. The clinic—set nearby your residence, ?this innovative yet laidback residential resort will become a huge draw’ for the new wellness crowd-it’s architectural harmony with nature, divided into various hubs:? one for diagnostics, one for medi-spa, another for medical treatments, inclusion the Longevity Hub complete with a conference room and medical staff area.
Longevity’s ardent—and affluent—proponents, who include the Kardashian family. Kim, the same woman who said she’d be willing to “eat poop every single day” if it meant she’d look younger, recently spent $2,500 on Prenuvo’s full body MRI scan, which detects early signs of disease and degeneration. Her younger sister, the 28-year-old supermodel Kendall Jenner, had a hyperbaric oxygen chamber installed in her Beverly Hills mansion.
So, you’ve had your diagnostics, you’re conferenced with doctors,? you spent up to a month to follow your plan and continue report your progress to your butler, who is a registered nurse and will be your private longevity concierge not only when you are with us onsite, but also monthly will continue monitoring your health and wellbeing.? He/she can coordinate appointments with cooperative nearby medical community, or schedule your return periodically.? Aftercare is critical.? You cannot expect to re-set your life and lifestyle without support once home.? No worries.- you will return with a longevity plan and coordinate monthly with your cnurse/coach at a reasonable price.
Yes, you can afford to journey into the world of slowing down again with our support, you are expected to thrive, virtual care – hot topic.
Caution, extreme longevity mentalities and obsessions around health abound globally. Our bodies are the vehicles through which we experience life, It’s our job to take care of them so that we can experience the joys of living life fully—and having the ?resilience to weather the challenges. It’s very hard to bring your best self to life when you’re not well, but becoming too preoccupied with our health means we can lose sight of this. After all, life is for living. The longevity lifestyle can become “addictive and excessive”,? just like cosmetic surgery junkies.
Happily, unlike in self-styled “resilience athlete” my uncompromising regime (4.30 a.m. body clock alarm, raw veggies for dinner, a relax gummie, bed at 7.00 p.m.), there’s plenty of joy to be found working / creating. This being the Caribbean there’s just as much emphasis on spiritual wellbeing as there is science, meaning you can supplement your regenerative ozone therapy with some holistic osteopathy, or simply a dip in the ocean. My own favorite session was with energy medicine practitioners who uses deep tissue massage that relaxes the nervous system and muscles and balances the chakras.
I’ve come to understand that caring for the physical body alone is insufficient,” challenging to insert work fits into a longevity program. “The physical body is affected by our emotions, thoughts, and even the cellular memories passed down from our ancestors or stemming from past history.
Of course you -we all know the four pillars of a healthy life 1-strength training, 2-sleep, healthy food and connectivity with other.?? All simple changes we can all make in the interests of boosting our longevity.? Selfcare.? Add to this: eating healthily, spending time in nature, practicing meditation, and exercising as the habits most crucial to “maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit”. The final tip for staying well for longer is one even hardened cynics can get on board with: “Laughing as much as possible.”? The the ?documented ‘Blue Zones’ laughter is a core to living a long life.
We uide you with your self-care program -No time like the present.
So much to consider: “Most of us have a strange relationship with light,” says a leading ?nutritionist ?“We get too much of the wrong types of light from our screens and indoor lighting, and not enough natural daylight. Work with your body clock: get outdoors first thing in the morning and avoid screens in the evening. If you can’t avoid them completely, use blue light-blocking glasses.”
X out any processed food. Cola is a no no.? You LOVE WATER.
You know you have to do this:
Introduce some form of strength exercise into every day. “Not necessarily the gym,? but bodyweight exercises: lunges, squats, power Pilates or yoga – or even taking the stairs two at a time. Muscle is the organ of longevity, both in the structural support [it offers] and in the way it helps to control blood sugar levels.”
“Getting enough good quality sleep should be at the top of your list of priorities,” “Poor sleep negatively impacts many aspects of our health and wellbeing. Going to bed at the same time each night, avoiding afternoon caffeine, not eating too late, and avoiding blue light exposure before bed will all support good sleep.”
The Ds…have it, “Vitamin D deficiency is something all too common.? ?I recommend once or more often annually by injection.? And common sense…above all: ?At the end of the day, it’s about building physical and mental resilience so you can age better and live life more fully gifting yourself with time for joy.
Consider the best of all worlds—invest in your well-being neighborhood -in your own private residence within a breathtaking wellness tropical setting. Do what makes you happy and finding moments to laugh is incredibly beneficial.
You will carve out the time for YOU and have the security of knowing that your nurse/coach is supporting you throughout amazing?wellness journey and at a cost YOU CAN AFFORD.
Dentist at University of Pennsylvania
7 个月Hello Pamela I’m a founding member of a brand new company that has obtained five years of exclusive rights to over $100 million in AI plant-based peptide research. It is the first bioactive precision plant peptides to come to market. Please let me know if you have any interest to listen to an overview video. It never hurts to listen. Thank you for your time Christine Bruno DMD