Are You a ThunderStormaPhobic?
?Tee US ICFs, Global
Energy Efficient Strong ICF Construction, Protecting You and Your Environment
Take this test to find out.
- Do you get scared that you might get hit by lightening?
- Do you instantly begin to pray for forgiveness when you hear the loud thunder clap?
- Did you see that lightening!!!
- Are you one to run into your closet taking your cat and children with you. (Your crazy husband just sits there watching TV.)
- Do you tell you friends you gotta go off the phone because there's a storm coming or happening?
- Do you run to the circuit breaker and turn it off? Or, at least unplug everything?
- Are you happy that you lived through that storm and hope there won't be another?
If you answered "Yes" to at least two questions, congratulations! You are a ThunderStormaPhobic! I totally understand!