Are You Throwing A Christmas Party For Your Business Of One?
Fancy cookies are a key component of a writer's Christmas party for one.

Are You Throwing A Christmas Party For Your Business Of One?

The first time I threw myself a holiday party, I didn’t exactly go all out. In fact, my entire expenditure was about seven dollars, the cost of a latte and a fancy sugar cookie, enjoyed while walking around Chapters. It was a humble celebration but also one of my proudest moments. I was my own boss and didn’t need anyone to foot the bill for my Christmas soiree. Since then, I’ve always looked forward to throwing my “office” Christmas party (and I’m happy to report that my budget has increased a bit too. Hello, wine!)

Writers, bloggers, and creatives are often workplaces-of-one but there’s no reason we shouldn’t celebrate our accomplishments. Besides, why should office workers have all the fun? Here are some ideas to get started on your planning.

  1. Set a date (and it doesn’t have to be December). It’s one thing to say that throwing yourself a Christmas party is a good idea. It’s another to commit to it and choose a date. But there’s no need to stress yourself out if the holiday season is your busiest time. Why not set that party for the first week of January?
  2. Set a budget. Even if you’re working with very modest funds (hey, I sure started out small), that $10 feels like $100 or so when you’ve designated it as a party fund. Plus, you can add on freebies to stretch out the time and up the festive factor. Consider a hike through your favourite park, a cozy movie night, or an afternoon watching the Santa Claus parade to all be part of your office party.
  3. Save your receipts. HECK YES you can claim this as a business expense. If you were some fancy-pants CEO, no one would blink twice if you spent thousands on a company Christmas bash.?
  4. Remind yourself about all the wonderful things that you’ve accomplished this year. It is SO easy to get down on ourselves, to focus on all the things that didn’t go according to plan or the projects that didn’t pan out. Let’s take the time to celebrate all our victories, big and small. Remember when you plucked up the courage to pitch a huge magazine? That’s a win! The time you made a proposal for the tourism board? Win! The day you told your editor you needed a bit more time and took care of your mental health? WIN!
  5. Celebrate with others: Why not spread the joy and invite a few fellow self-employed pals to join in your festivities? You don’t have to be in the same field or be at the same points in your career to have a wonderful group party. (Though it does help if you have a plan and a budget in mind before you ask.)?

Final step: Take a selfie! You deserve to remember this awesome day. And, unlike all those corporate Christmas parties, you don’t have to worry that any awkward photos will show up in a company newsletter (unless you put them there!)

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