Are You Team Hug or Team Personal Space?
Sandy Weaver, CVP
Wagalicious is how a happy dog feels. Want to feel that way, too? Want your team to feel that way? Let's talk! | Author | Keynote Speaker | Trainer of People and Teams | Dog Sports Enthusiast I AKC dog show judge
Today, let’s talk about hugs. Are you a hugger? I am. Whenever I feel a connection to someone my default is to want to hug them. Not everyone’s a hugger, though, so occasionally the hug impulse has to be squelched.
Why do humans hug? Have you ever wondered about that? Turns out, hugging is addictive behavior. Hugging is also crucial to infants, helping them survive, and hugging is one of the best ways to lower stress in your body.
Hugs feel good. Hugs are good. But how do they constitute “addictive behavior” in humans? Because the act of being in a hug, whether initiating or accepting it, releases dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, which are the natural feel-good chemicals in our bodies. Physical touch, hugs included, triggers the release of endorphins, our bodies’ natural painkillers.
Turns out, we love hugging and being hugged because we love the way it makes us feel. We have an addiction to our own “happy drugs” and hugs satisfy the need to feel accepted, included, and loved. If you want to understand a little bit more about how your body benefits from you being intentional about how you feel, here are three episodes of the world’s second-shortest podcast to help you:
?????????????? Want a non-hug way to get those “happy drugs?” Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!
?????????????? Want permission to cry? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!
?????????????? Want to rid yourself of an addictive thought process? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!
Oh, and if you’re a dog lover, let’s talk about why you shouldn’t hug your dog, or anyone else’s for that matter. Sure, humans love hugs. To a dog, an arm around the body, especially over their shoulder (withers), signals to them that you are asserting dominance over them. In dog language, when one dog says to the other, “I’m the boss of you,” they often put one or two paws on the other dog’s shoulder, and if their legs are long enough, they’ll stand over the dog’s ribcage, one foot on either side. If you’re in the habit of hugging your dog, think about what else you could do that would make you feel good without perhaps making your dog feel nervous or dominated.
And if our paths cross, can I give you a hug? ?
Wags, Sandy Weaver The Voice of Wagaliciousness
PS...want more? Subscribe to the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions podcast, a weekly mental spa treatment for your total self! #podcast #success #leader #lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #mentalwellbeing