Are you a tea drinker or coffee drinker
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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People always quote in india that their are two type of people in the world, the one's who have seen taj mahal and other's who haven't. Now tell me what difference does it makes. Same goes with tea consumers and coffee consumes. In reality their is no such differences. It's just about people perception and state of mind. Any kind of drink doesn't drive your thoughts,idea,character and life styles instead its person who drives themselves. And if it say so than everybody would have consumed red bull or other drinks and would have been very successful in their respective lives.
If through consuming tea or coffee anybody can develop certain kind of nature or personality traits than their is no need of education . Just feed them with tea or coffee according to their wish about the kind of nature they want. Drinking tea or coffee doesn't make any changes in nature or behaviour of a person or in his life. Its a bull shit concept of dividing people according to their likeness of a particular drink just to brag about being unique on basis of drinks but the most important fact I will provide to those peoples are that no one care about what you drink.
They say the world is divided into many groups, ethnicities and races, but in reality, there are just two distinct groups: tea drinkers and coffee drinkers. Ask either side what it thinks of the other, and much like these people’s caffeine content, they'll give some pretty bold statements. Tea drinkers like their variety, their range of flavors and soothing properties. Coffee drinkers like their origins, their earthy blends and the round-the-clock jolt of energy.
We all need a boost now and then but how you choose to consume say lot about what kind of person you are. Tea drinkers meditate; coffee drinkers medicate. Tea drinkers are as loose as their leaves; coffee drinkers are as grounded as their beans. Tea drinkers take a break; coffee drinkers need a break. Tea drinkers are high-noon; coffee drinkers are morning, noon and night. Tea drinkers take it slow; coffee drinkers are looking for a rush. Tea drinkers are looking to kick back; coffee drinkers are looking for a kick.
Tea drinkers know no time constraints; coffee drinkers know to cut it off by 3 pm. Tea drinkers are about rainy days; coffee drinkers are early mornings. Tea drinkers see the mug half-full; coffee drinkers see it to the bottom. Tea drinkers work outside the lines; coffee drinkers work to meet deadlines. Tea drinkers don't need caffeine; coffee drinkers would inject it, if possible. Tea drinkers like to stew; coffee drinkers like to brew. Tea drinkers bag it up; coffee drinkers like their sugar in the raw. Tea drinkers like a little flavor; coffee drinkers like it extra bold.
Tea drinkers like it piping hot; coffee drinkers like it with the pipe. Tea drinkers are fixing up; coffee drinkers need their fix. Tea drinkers lie down to bed; coffee drinkers need it to get out. Tea drinkers keep thoughts; coffee drinkers keep notebooks. Tea drinkers eat biscuits; coffee drinkers don’t eat anything. Tea drinkers ask questions; coffee drinkers answer them. Tea drinkers are soothing; coffee drinkers are brooding. Tea drinkers can let it wait; coffee drinkers sip their weight in coffee.
Tea drinkers do it for the enjoyment; coffee drinkers do it with a purpose. Tea drinkers ponder; coffee drinkers argue. Tea drinkers read; coffee drinkers write. Tea drinkers cross wires; coffee drinkers get wired. Tea drinkers need to relax; coffee drinkers don’t need the laxative. Tea drinkers feel close to home; coffee drinkers are imported. Tea drinkers put their hands around you; coffee drinkers’ are shaky. Tea drinkers come from a box; coffee drinkers have an origin. Courtesy : Laura Argintar.
I am a tea person. My brother is devoted to coffee! I often tell him that coffee is like a date, whereas tea is a marriage! It takes skill to brew tea. And patience. Skill to know when to add cardamom, when to add Ginger and when to put in basil. Just how much to stir it and how much to boil. It takes me ten minutes to get my perfect cuppa. Whereas he is quickie done with his mug!
I take my time to enjoy each sip of tea, set aside a tray of biscuits and titbits to go with it. Whereas some will absent mindedly chug it away while working! I love how, you can get tea on any street corner in India for minimum amount of money whilst coffee is at expensive places for 500? just to get it named! We gossip over tea and we fuss over coffee. Tea people know how to let aside a little leisure time for worldly joys! Coffee people are in full hustle!"What is this life, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare!" Cheers!
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1 年I really enjoyed reading this hahaha. It was amazing!