“You Talkin’ to Me? Are You Talkin’ to Me?”
By Ron Gifford, Dunleavy & Associates
As a man of a certain age, I’m cool with the fact that I’m not the target audience of most Tik Tok influencers.?You see how that doesn’t bother me??Very demure.??
Now, some people would be quite upset to think that a global communication channel has effectively bypassed them.?You see how I’m totally chill with that, though??Very mindful.
?And not everyone agrees with appropriating a younger generation’s cultural references to exude a faux sense of hipness.?But you see how I did that to lure you into reading this far??Very cutesy (with apologies to Jools Lebron).??
Now, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, then clearly what we have here is a failure to communicate.?And that, of course, is not only a great quote from “Cool Hand Luke,” but also the theme of today’s musings.?(For our younger readers, “Cool Hand Luke” is a movie starring Paul Newman, back when he was known for appearing on movie posters and not bottles of salad dressing).?
Ah, communications: the nonprofit bête noire. I bet that if you did a survey, the vast majority of all nonprofit strategic plans would include some variation on the following strategic priority: “Enhance communications with internal and/or external stakeholders.”?And I’d also wager that during the discussion of this priority, more than one person threw up their hands and said, “why is this so hard?”