?Part I – Research Source (
Be your own banker, as modern digital markets suggest today. Act as if you have bankers because even if you are a great financier, you will notice that when a problem arises—like what happened in the market with two major companies, Safras and Agrotech—the unsecured creditors (quirografários) are the ones who don’t get paid. And you might become an unsecured creditor. The banks will take care of themselves, everyone will look after their own interests, and you’ll be left holding the bag, even though you're a top financier.
You've listened to top consultants and "advisors," people who are interested in getting you to do the deal so they can profit. But when things go south, it's you who loses. So don’t leave your portfolio in anyone’s hands; you are the owner of your portfolio. We're not trying to teach anyone anything—we're simply offering a roadmap for you to become your own banker. So, now you're going to act like a banker. When you go to talk to a bank, you'll speak to them as a fellow banker. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small "local cooperative bank," it's still a bank, and you'll negotiate on equal footing, securing the best deal with confidence.
On our side, we’re here to support you with lectures and guidance, not because you're not already a great financier, but because we have more experience in this business. And we’ve often seen that when things go wrong, the weakest link suffers. But you are not the weak link—you are the owner of your business.
Corporate Responsibility in a Complex Financial Environment
In today's unpredictable financial landscape, businesses are increasingly held to higher standards of transparency, governance, and financial accountability. As we delve into the financial standing of companies, it becomes essential to highlight the importance of understanding corporate structures, financial statements, and the strategic use of financial instruments to ensure sustainable growth and stability.
1. Understanding Corporate Structure and Ownership
A comprehensive overview of any business begins with a clear understanding of its corporate structure. In this context, the "Kit Banco" document provides critical insights into the organizational structure, detailing the various CNPJ(s) that form the company's group. Understanding the distribution of ownership and the percentage shares held by each partner in different entities allows for greater transparency in the governance of the company.
Key Takeaways:
2. Financial Performance and Analysis
The balance sheets and income statements from 2022 to 2024 offer a snapshot of the company's financial health. Analyzing these financial documents is key to understanding the company's past performance and forecasting its future trajectory.
Highlighted Financials:
Understanding these numbers allows business leaders to make informed decisions about investments, debt management, and operational adjustments.
3. Debt Management and Financial Strategy
One of the critical aspects of financial governance is managing debt effectively. The document outlines the company's?banking debt, highlighting both the approved limits and the amounts currently being utilized. It is important for companies to balance their debt levels, ensuring they have enough liquidity for day-to-day operations while maintaining long-term financial health.
Key Aspects of Debt Management:
4. Using Real Estate as Collateral
In cases where real estate is used as collateral for loans, the document specifies the required documentation, including property registration, tax receipts, and appraisals by certified real estate professionals.
For businesses, leveraging real estate assets can be a powerful way to secure funding, but it must be done with care and full knowledge of the risks involved. The value of the property, as determined by an approved appraiser, will play a key role in the loan approval process.
5. The Future of Corporate Finance in Brazil
As we move forward in a rapidly changing global financial environment, companies in Brazil must adapt to new realities. The increasing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, combined with the evolving legal and financial systems, places new demands on business leaders.
Companies that prioritize transparency, ethical governance, and sound financial management will not only survive but thrive in this challenging environment.
For the new reality, how to obtain international jurisdiction, where they can gain more credit, lower risks, and convert into an insured international company for all Brazilian risks, with higher quality, lower costs, and increased access to markets, both in financial institutions and commercially, whether in distribution or in the origination of raw materials and/or equipment.
Kit Banco - description :
(*) - The "Kit Banco" might include the following documents:
Part II Research Source (
There seems to be a lot of reluctance on the part of the younger generations likely to access responsibilities in companies to exercise management positions. The animation, the command, the exercise of constraints, even what they consider as manipulation with regard to the teams that must be supervised, put off many young executives. They do not want to distinguish themselves from their colleagues, a term that they prefer to that of collaborator, which gives too hierarchical an image of the relationship.
Today, we very often encounter this reserve in companies, which leads many of them to outright refuse any promotion that involves a team management role.
For business leaders, this is a real headache, because the strength of an organization always rests, whatever the developments in management, on the ability of management to make it function harmoniously and deliver results, which is only possible if it is clear and structured.
What can we do then to convince these young talents that they have this ability and that their success depends on their skills in supervising and managing teams?
The first rule is to ignore what the seniors who will supervise them have themselves learned when they were promoted to management positions. Twenty years ago, being given a position of responsibility was an enviable promotion. Today, everything has changed. We must now train the young people we want to promote by highlighting the content of their position in three ways:
?????????? First, focus on the company’s mission. A company that doesn’t have a clear ethical mission will have a hard time inspiring those who must personally commit to representing it,
?????????? Then, forget about management techniques and focus on exercising leadership. The leader is the one who asks his team members to achieve objectives because they want to do so. It is consent that prevails, not execution. Leadership training is much more complex than management training. It is influence that feeds us first.
?????????? Finally, to obtain the support of executives trained in leadership for the organization of the company, it is also necessary to offer them an animation method made up of impulses, but also feedback, in order to establish hierarchical equality between them and their colleagues, equality to which they are very attached.
Everyone has in mind the famous phrase of Jean Bodin: "there is no wealth but man". It has been a bit of a cliché for HR managers for ages. But today, we must put it into practice, day by day, otherwise, we will no longer have, in companies, this intermediate body of managers that is absolutely necessary to allow organizations to function in harmony.
First Conclusion
We can create these structures in this way, with the necessary registration models, as the big firms or major banks do to work with anyone, and you become independent and operate more securely as it should be.
From a credit borrower, you become a credit provider, because, after all, you always assume these risks when you sell or buy something. Therefore, the proposal is to be well organized and not depend on third parties who are interested in having you do business while they earn hefty commissions without taking on any risks. Do not trust your money or portfolio to anyone.?
Conclusion: Building a Stronger Corporate Foundation
The information provided in the "Kit Banco" (*) serves as a guide for both internal and external stakeholders to assess the company's financial stability and governance practices. By maintaining a transparent corporate structure, effectively managing debt, and using financial statements as a strategic tool, companies can position themselves for sustained growth and success in the future.
About the author
Ant?nio Iafelice?
CEO Consultant | Advisor to the Board of
COSAG/ FIESP - Senior Agribusiness Advisor | Senior Operational Executive | Agribusiness Expert | Creation Expert in Agribusiness | Creation of companies covering all phases of business | ALAGRO Counsellor
GlieseAG do Brasil Ltda.