MLM Reps- The Marketing Black Sheep Mini Course, Week 1
Even If You’re Warm Market Is Stone Cold…Take The Time To Read This Article Top To Bottom. You Will Add Reps So Much Faster…
There are tons of ways to build your business, and plenty of people offering to show you how...what makes this different is that I use a 3.1 step system that allows me to average over 40 reps, every week, from scratch. This system is something anyone can use and do..without spending a bunch of money. And...
I didn't start with a list of clients, I have very little technical or Internet skill and I had very little money to get started, a few hundred bucks. Finally, I've used this system since 1991...and I've grown more than 3 companies from scratch to well over $1mil a year in sales and have added as many as 300 people a week into my MLM' this system has been used in retail too. This system allowed real estate to be sold, sight unseen, and we did over $1.5mil per week!
I'm sure you're skeptical, and I welcome it. First, if you'd like a FREE copy of this system, just go to my website and right on the home page, my system is available to anyone.
Before you do that...or after I suppose, let's cover the first bases of how to use this system for your MLM and if you follow this series of articles, in just a few weeks, you'll know exactly how you too can add 50 reps every 33 days.
The only cost for the whole thing...? Putting down your skepticism for just a few minutes each week.
Let’s go to work. Roll up your sleeves, grab something to drink, we’ll only be a few minutes…today, but I guarantee it will be worth every single, eye opening minute…
If you want to add 50 reps into your downline in 33 days or less, do it every month and then show your downline how to do it, what’s the first thing you need?
The traditional way to grow an MLM is with your ‘warm’ market, right? Why didn’t that work for you? (I know that’s a very assumptive statement, but that system is less than 6% effective- and I can prove it, ask me for proof).
Anyway, the warm market system can work, and it does for the Big Dogs in this business. Why? Because your warm market and everyone else’s guests who go to an ‘opportunity’ meeting are the prospects for those Big Dogs. You, and the rest of us ‘little’ people simple bring Big Dogs their prospects, then they present and attempt to close.
Most of the Big Dogs who think they’re flying a cape on their back can’t close a box with a lid…and that’s part of the problem too…their closing rate is so low, you can’t bring them enough of your warm market to put the #’s in your favor. Then, combined with the fact that your friends and family can’t breed fast enough, you run out of prospects. Right?
Proof- Big Dogs have dozens, even hundreds of prospects sitting in front of them every single week, sometimes more than once a week. Do you? No.
Big Dogs grow BIG because they have an endless stream of prospects- PERIOD.
You won’t grow to be a Big Dog until you can do the same thing.
Keep trying to use your warm market to get there. Good luck with that.
I’m not saying your warm market shouldn’t be part of your business model, I absolutely think they’re super important. But, I’d tell you to save your warm market- why? Because that marketed is limited. If you use it up before your skill set is top notch, if your Big Dog at your meetings isn’t a real CLOSER, if they’re just a Big Dog…they’ll eat you out of house and home!
Save your warm market until your skill is at a professional level. If you’re anything like I was, it’s too late…your ‘warm’ wouldn’t hold a match for you to light a fire, let alone spend money and join your company with you.
I’ll tell you why that happens in a minute.
When will you know you have that skill of a professional? When your statistics tell you so. (We’ll cover tracking stats much later, relax)
Now that we’ve established you have the same problem I had when I started at the bottom just like you- let’s talk about how to fix it.
You need an endless supply of prospects…and the most important part is that you need an endless supply of qualified prospects.
So how are you going to do that?
Internet? T.V.? Radio? Email? Real Mail? Websites? The Phone?
I don’t care what tool you use, but each one will vary in cost. I’m not selling tools today so relax, put your wallet away and…before you reach for it again, you better know what you’re doing or you’ll spend money to solve all the wrong problems.
And I guarantee you that in thinking about how to get more, qualified prospects- which is two problems, quantity and quality…you’ll find yourself thinking about using the Internet, websites that will get you leads or websites that will get you traffic.
Go ahead and give it a try. I’ll tell ya right here what your results will be- either you’ll spend more money than you have on the tools or the companies that promise to deliver the prospects…and/or…you still won’t get enough prospects, real qualified prospects to make it profitable.
Go ahead, I’ll wait. And while you’re trying that, let me talk to these jerks selling tools…
(Internet Marketers And Those Of You Pushing These ‘Tools’- If You Can Show Me A Tool That Gets Real Qualified Prospects For Less Than $5.00 Each…Prospects For Any MLM- NOT Prospects For Your Silly Tools. I Dare Ya. And Real, Qualified Means They Have- Time, Interest And Money)
You need to pay very close attention right here. Cost of acquisition HAS to be the most important consideration right here. Even if your skill set is a professional level skill set…and it probably isn’t…yet, you will never close more than 20-30% of real qualified prospects. Ever!
Most marketers, especially ones just getting started, will only close 1-5% of real qualified prospects. Fact.
So, if you only make a little bit of money when they sign up, if those real, qualified prospects that website gets you..or that magic traffic gets you…wait till you figure out what that prospect really costs you…I guarantee it’ll be $20 per prospect or more…even if you were a PRO, you’d still spend at least $40-$60 per sign up…and your math won’t even come close. You might close 1-5%...and that means you’ll pay closer to $500 or even $1000 to get a deal!
Bet you quit first...or just turn around and try to sell that magic tool to other people. Nice.
Your cost of acquisition has to be profitable…or they better stay on autoship long enough to be profitable, be they don’t. DO NOT try to make money using the loss leader technique. You will get hurt.
Do NOT Spend yourself into profit. That business model only works for the Big Dogs…and even they can lose placing that bet. Losing money to make money works…if you’re not starting from scratch, like I did.
The secret to making money from scratch, spending just a few hundred dollars to get started…is that you have to have a real team…AND a real system.
The biggest mistake marketers make is thinking ‘I have a great skill set’ and so they convince themselves their ‘leads’ or their ‘warm’ market just isn’t that great of a lead…and that is what causes you to go out and by a tool or pay for a service.
And that’s why you see these stupid posts like, “I made $127,000 in 30 days”, “My friend uses this digital system and makes over $10k per month”, “My upline added 25,000 reps in 4 months because of this system”, “This thing is completely automated…it’s amazing”
Stop the madness. No one, except the ‘professionals’ of the Internet or people with a killer list are making any money…some people, a small few make a few dollars…until their market runs out too….cause you’re all just making money selling the tool to others, who then sell the tool.
Not only is that illegal it’s immoral…but it won’t stop until YOU stop buying!
It’s just like someone in your neighborhood that buys an amazing lawn mower, tells you about it, sells it to you and then you do the same with your neighbor…
No One Is Getting Their Lawn Mowed…You’re Just Selling The Lawn Mower Up And Down Your Black- ARRRGGGHHH!
And when this happened to me, 25 years ago…I kept joining MLM’s because they kept telling me they had these systems…my warm market went cold years ago, and then…they’d sell me all these ‘tools’ I needed.
I went so broke so fast I almost became homeless…again. I was homeless within 2 years of dropping out of high school and I swore that would never happen again!
And it didn’t, thank God. And the reason that didn’t happen is the fact that God finally beat the smarts into me long enough that I got it- the tools weren’t doing anything but taking my money!
And Finally, God humbled me enough to see I had an even bigger problem than finding more qualified prospects…and EVEN bigger than getting a better skill set!
I kept quitting. I had started a ton of home-based businesses. None of them worked. I failed. Over and over again! Until…I realized I can only fail if I quit. And I only kept quitting because none of these businesses were working…or so I thought.
It took me 6 years! At 26, I finally figured out how to use this 3.1 Step system and I joined another MLM. I was adding reps so fast I rose to Executive Platinum Director, my companies highest level, in 4 months!!!
That story is for another time, but right now…the most important thing is what I discovered that allowed me to use that system…correctly.
I finally got humble enough to realize, maybe, just maybe, I didn’t completely understand what I was doing…or learning to do- Marketing.
I had to back up and learn what is ‘marketing’ and then I had to figure out if I could it. And I grew up with 3 generations of salesmen behind me, my Dad, his Dad…they were all fantastic ‘salesmen’!
But I didn’t want to be a ‘salesman’. And then I realized I had to learn a lot more before I could put the pieces together.
For you, right now, you need to sit down, take a deep breath and learn what is ‘marketing’ and whether or not you can ‘be a marketer’ or you will probably lose more money than I did…and I lost tens of thousands of dollars before I got it!
The reason all of these super small, little finite details are so important is because you’re wanting to be successful as a marketer…with a limited budget.
Money is part of it, like it or not. If not, you’d go buy a franchise, where most companies have all the marketing done for you…you co-op in for advertising, etc. Do you have at least $100k? I absolutely did NOT.
I could barely pay my bills working full-time at a silly, go nowhere JOB with no future, not near enough in retirement too and…you get the picture.
So, the first thing I had to do was study marketing. Without understanding marketing, and whether or not you can do it, you’ll absolutely NEVER find the volume of prospects you need…and you can forget finding real, qualified prospects.
I learned the definition of marketing, which in my opinion is;
The art and science of marketing is giving 110% of everything you have, mind, body, spirit, blood, sweat and tears…empowering, communicating and developing relationships with other people, based on their needs, NOT our needs.
If you never read past this point, this one lesson, if you ACTUALLY GET IT, will change your life forever.
When you try to recruit someone, who are you doing that for? Really? You’re doing it for yourself, guaranteed. Are you excited to tell them because your opportunity, the product, your upline…it’s all so magical and you just don’t want them to miss it? Maybe. It’s still about you. Why? Because you’re recruiting them to join you in marketing and you don’t even know what that is or how to do it yet!
Check this out- When you take that ‘warm’ market to a meeting do you know why it changes, why they might close what you can’t, why they eat like Big Dogs while you starve to make a pbnj sandwich?
When the Big Dog is in front of the group….they absolutely have exactly what you and your ‘warm’ market want…SUCCESS…that’s what you’re really buying..or you think that’s what you’re buying and they really don’t need your warm market, so they’re not selling you! And that’s why the product is so down played in this industry and it’s a terrible, terrible mistake…but I’ll skip that one for now.
So you bought from the Big Dog and so may your warm market because they didn’t have to sell you. You already wanted what they have Success…so badly, you both pulled out your wallets!
It won’t work for you because you’re screaming about your fantastic opportunity but no one is listening because you don’t have what they want…you don’t own success! You can’t offer what you don’t have!
People don’t buy opportunity unless you’re selling lottery tickets. They think they’re buying and they will buy, success…and they’ll buy tools to ‘forgive their skill set’, but if you sell the tools, you’ll be broke again very shortly. Guaranteed.
In fact, prospects even think they’re buying into a system that will get them that success…and then when it doesn’t work they get their feelings hurt and so did you and that’s how you burn your warm market.
Now, go back to the definition of marketing; get it yet?!
Proof- Steve Jobs
Did he sell the iPhone or did you crawl on your naked belly through broken glass to get it? You and I bought it in droves…we’re still doing it…every single time a new one gets released….like sheep we clamor, white sheep I tell you.
How did he get us to buy? He studied and became a marketer first. His product would have gone absolutely NO WHERE if he wasn’t a fantastic, unbelievable, “I can’t believe he did that!” kind of marketer.
Did you know when Steve Jobs did the first presentation for the iPhone, it didn’t even work!? Fact. He actually had 6 different devices on the podium and had to keep switching back and forth to each device that could barely do one function…let alone all the things he claimed one device would do.
And then what happened!? After the audience literally fell over themselves to get the damn things…he jumped on his jet, flew to Santa’s workshop and beat some elfin ass and got them to figure out how to make ‘em work…maybe it was the Keebler? elves I can’t remember…but it was a, “Oh crap, these people went nuts for this thing we better actually make ‘em and make work, crap!” kind of moment.
Steve Jobs was a terrible salesman…he hated it. But he was always a fantastic marketer. And being a marketer first, tech guy second, is the reason for his success. He found his audience, developed his message- and then when he combined the two, the rest is history.
We Love To Buy. People Love To Buy….But We HATE being SOLD. Marketing Isn’t About Selling. Selling Sucks!
So, if you are starting to believe that maybe my definition of marketing might be right, how do you know you can do it, be a marketer.
You don’t know you can be a marketer, in fact, you’re so terrified you can’t sell, don’t want to sell, don’t want to talk to anyone…blah, blah, you aren’t even thinking about the fact that selling…sucks, well, ya you are that’s why so many of you quit! Stop selling, stop even trying to sell!
Now, let’s do one last thing before we go. Let me show you why I believe you are already one of the greatest marketers on earth…without selling anything.
Marketing is about helping someone get…or BUY, what they already have a need, want or desire for. And you’ve done that all your life.
Ever help someone learn to ride a bike? Did someone help you learn to ride a bike?
That’s it! You did it. Seriously. I know, money didn’t change hands…but it could have…honestly. Think about it.
Man, I remember so clearly…I was 6 years old. I wanted to learn how to ride a bike so bad. My older sister could and that pissed me off. And I could taste the freedom she was enjoying…she could cover twice the distance in half the time.
She could actually get herself to the store to by gum…I still had to throw a fit to get parents to ‘take’ me to the store…I wanted that freedom!
And if I had any money…if my Dad would’ve said, “Son, I’ll teach you how to ride a bike…but it’s gonna cost you $5 bucks”…I woulda tore the pocket right out of my pants to give it to him. (Actually, once he taught me, for free, I charged the neighbors to teach them…until I got in a bit of trouble for it.)
That’s Marketing! And you’re already a master at it…you just have to learn how to find…real, qualified prospects….people who already want what you have or…
Even just help people find what you and them both want…and that’s the only reason warm market marketing even works!
That folks, was lesson one…to learn how to add 50 reps in 33 days, you have to learn what you just started to learn today…we’ve got a lot more ground to cover, but I’m sure you’ve got better things to do, better people to do them with and I’m sure my entertainment value is fading.
Review- Find Your Confidence being A Marketer. Quit trying to be a salesperson or running away from being a salesperson. Understand what is marketing.
Week 1- The Marketing Blacksheep Mini Course.
Next week, I’ll release Week 2- Finding your audience, with the most inexpensive cost of acquisition FIRST, dirt cheap. Then as your practice increases your skill, you can use automation to get even more, real qualified prospects.
Don’t miss it. And if this only wetted your appetite and you want even more help, I’ll do it…for FREE, live. Go to my website,, sign up for class. Class is every Wednesday, live by teleconference. If not, next week I’ll release the next step. I hope you value your potential as much as I do…cause the only reason I’m here, adding over 43 reps a week into my MLM’s, is because I believe in you.
Proof- I didn’t ask for your wallet. And I might at some point, but I’m not trying to get you into class just so I can sell you stuff. I could…and I do have things you can purchase from time to time, but that’s not why I’m here.
I’m here, because I can afford to be here…to be here without holding my hand out every second, looking for money…and I can do that because I finally learned exactly what I’m trying to help you figure out. Why?
Because I care…like you were me, 30 years ago.
And because…I believe in you and I know I can show you how…without charging you a bunch of money for stupid tools that only make me money. And those Internet marketers….the ones you’re buying all those worthless tools from…they can pound salt.
They may drive a Lambo, live in a mansion but…I drive a v12 Mercedes, live in a nice home and better than all of that…I live with myself, with pride. I change lives…and I make money marketing, not selling. (He slams the mike down on the stage right here and walks away, smiling)
I believe in you, because I believed in me and I still do.
Seeya next week,
I may not tell ya what you want to hear, but I’ll always tell ya the truth
P.S. Some of you are thinking, “That rat bugger…he taught me a couple things…maybe, but…he never taught me how to get prospects, more real qualified prospects!!” You’re right, I didn’t. That’s because you needed the foundation first…but you wouldn’t have gotten here if I told you that at the top. So, now that you have the foundation, maybe, next week we can work on prospects. Stay tuned…and pay attention, I’m a crafty, beety eyed little bugger, you gotta watch me.
Before exiting I Scaled Multiple Pharmacies to 8 Figures Now I'm Helping Women 50+ Pursue Their Life Purpose. Mentor, Best Selling Author, Retreat Host, Speaker
9 年Great article on how to start with the basics!
9 年Great read, thanks.
Mobile Notary Public - Georgia
9 年Thank you Gino. I so get it. Boy, I thought I was losing my mind, always being upsold, buying training after training after training, I've been in class now for two weeks and will be in class tomorrow @ 7:30 p.m. I'm still working on my confidence and fear, but I'm determined to be comfortable in life with my business. Thank you again Gino. The Big Man will always look out for you, because you are a good person. I mean that. Regards to B.