Are you sweet to yourself?
Thibaut Ottomer
6th best Coach of Barcelona | Mindset, Leadership & Impact | Passionate about empowering purpose-driven leaders to make a positive impact in this world
You are your own closest friend but are you treating yourself that way?
As you spend most of your time with yourself, you'd better get along well, right?
So be careful what you say to yourself over and over and over again, day in day out. We are unconsciously programming our brain into what we are saying to ourselves, whether or not it is true. We have the tendency to do this in a negative way, due to lack of self-esteem or underestimating our own potential.
First of all, the past is over and there is nothing we can do about that.
Secondly, considering something “wrong†is a judgment. You simply did the best you could at that given time and you must have had a good enough reason to act that way.
Realize that, accept it and learn from it so next time you can do better if that’s what you wish.
We all have made mistakes, and will definitely make some more. We are only human, yet it is up to us if we want to learn and grow from those mistakes.
We are far from perfect, we are no robots (they actually fail too), so let′s be kind to ourselves.
Let′s allow mistakes to happen, just change our perspective towards them.
Let′s be consequent, not fall into self-pity, which is only transferring our own responsibility onto someone or something else.
Change our behavior or perspective towards a situation if we don't like it. Let′s reward ourselves once we do so.
But please be kind to yourself, the same way as you would to a loved one.
Take a moment to realize how you communicate to yourself. How you are treating yourself?
Are you sweet, motivating and positive enough about your own great self?
If not, make sure you pause for a while and change it into a more positive, “best-friend-kind-of-advise†talk. Own ego-pep talk at its best. As you (un)consciously are going to continue talking to yourself (it only gets better with age), you′d better make it fun and reset yourself the best you can.
Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will you. So be patient and enjoy the ride while realizing you are on your way, preferably with a smile. Baby steps are also steps.
You are good the way you are right now. And if you want to do even better, great! Go for it!
But please, be kind to yourself.
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