You will be surprised by reading this story! What is the world’s strongest animal that can lift staggering weights?
Dear Friends and Students
*Simple question! But complicated answer?* Read this story. James Watt calculated that one *Draught horse could lift 15 tonnes* one foot into the air in one minute. Amazing! So powerful right.
A Gigantic * Asian Elephants can pull 3 or 4 tonnes a day!*. A *large male elephant* can lift a log weighing up to *300kg with its trunk*.
In 1957, *Paul Anderson apparently lifted 2.8 tonnes on his back.* This is the maximum capability of the most intelligent species on the earth- Humans!
Now see the surprise! *Ants are famously among the best super-atom-weight powerlifters in the world.*
They can *lift 10 to 100 times their body weight.* They are considered the 3rd strongest insect, beating the Gorilla, Tiger, and Elephant.
*Ant Inspiration. You cannot miss observing Ants after Reading this Story*
Yes, you will get enormous inspiration when you see an Ant determination and capabilities. Ants *symbolize strength, willpower, honesty, patience, determination, sacrifice, and loyalty.*
Ants show a *strong division of labor*, where different workers perform different tasks within the nest, and in some cases, the specific tasks undertaken will depend on the age of the ant.
*How do ants find the sugar?*
The ant colonies send scout ants to search for food in various directions, often up to a range of 100 to 200 meters. Desert ants can smell dry biscuit morsels up to 3 meters.
*What it does after finding food?*
Once the food is found, the scout collects a little sample of it and marches back to the colony finding the shortest route and leaving a pheromone trail behind.
Colony ants analyze the food (*they also do food sample testing*) and take the trail set by the scout. As more ants get on the trail, they make the marking stronger so that other ants who went out on searches can smell the trail and join them.
It all does use *Optimal Route*!! They won’t waste energies unnecessarily!
*Can you guess which software product simulate Ant Intelligence?*
You must be thinking, it is *Google Search Engine*, right? Yes, you are right. In fact, Scientists developed the famous *Ant Colony Optimization algorithm*. It is developed with inspiration from the Real-Ants!
*What is the Real Learning for all of Us!*
A tiny Ants teach us a lot! They do a lot of hard work, plan perfectly and get the high probable results. *However, often we ignore them, unnoticed, due to their tiny nature. Do you have this experience in your life?*
*Often we ignore people who did a lot for us. It could be simply due to their COLOUR, DEGREE, JOB, FINANCIAL STATUS, SOCIAL STATUS, CASTE, CREED, PROXIMITY and so on!*
Remember, they are not like Jumbo Elephants or Beautiful and Powerful Horses, but loyal and determined Ants! Please do not ignore their efforts. They mean a lot to you.
Your well-wisher
Ravi Saripalle